Happy birthday to me! I am 1 year old today! Yippee! Has it been a year already? It sure flew by. I really can’t describe what it is like. Of course, you know that I grew a lot and developed a lot. I picked up a lot of skills and abilities. I don’t really feel like a baby anymore. I feel more like a little boy. I’m still not walking or talking, but look at me. Can you say that I look like a baby?

Well, it has been a great year! Not only thinking about how much I’ve grown, but also with my part in the world. I know that I’m part of a family now. A year ago I didn’t know anyone. Everyone was a stranger. Now I know so many people who are a big part of my life and I know that I’m a big part of their lives as well. So let me say thank you to all my family out there. I love you all (even if we haven’t been able to meet yet)!
I’ve been looking forward to my first birthday for so long that now that it is here, I don’t know how to react. I guess it is not that day that is important, but every day and every moment up to this day. It sure has been fun! I invite you to take a trip down memory lane and look back in the blog. You had better do it now because this blog is only going to grow as I grow.
Love you all! Thank you for being a part of my life and letting me (and my blog) be a part of yours!