I was very excited about my second airplane ride. I loved the first one so I thought that second one would be just as good if not better. I was staring outside the window for a very long time, enjoying the new view and experience.

After all the excitement of taking off, we moved seats so that we could have more space. Soon after the food service began and dinner was delivered. I was given a full adult meal and was very happy. I ate a lot and enjoyed it!
The meal recharged me, or more like overcharged me and I became very hyper! It seemed like I would never get to sleep.
And then somehow, a few minutes after my hyper activity I crashed on Mommy and ended up like this.

I woke up a few times during the night. I had a hard time getting comfortable. Daddy tried to carry me and put me back to sleep, but it didn’t work. But when I went back to Mommy I fell asleep easily. Eventually, I found a comfortable spot on Mommy and off to the side of her and had a longer stretch of sleep. I slept much better than I expected I would.
I woke up when breakfast was being served and so I went from sleep to eating right away. So I was in a pretty good mood. I ate a couple packs of yogurt and the fruit and I was good!

After breakfast all I had to do was wait for the airplane to land. I think I had a pretty good flight, even though it was nearly 8 hours long. I didn’t cry very much, and I didn’t even fuss. I ate when it was time to eat and I slept when it was time to sleep. The rest of the time Mommy and Daddy played with me and entertained me. Overall, no problem. Dare I say that I’m a good flyer?