Waking up and meeting Grandma and Grandpa

Because of my nap on the airplane, the first time Grandma and Grandpa saw me in real life I was asleep. Still, they were thrilled to see me and Mommy and Daddy! If I had been awake, I’m sure I would have been able to feel the love they had for me even though it was our first time meeting.

While waiting for our luggage to arrive I slowly woke up, still a bit sleepy. Grandma and Grandpa were very considerate and gave me time and space, not rushing to hug me as they wanted to do. They had brought me a toy truck, knowing how much I like vehicles, but I was still too warn out to show any reaction. At least I didn’t cry.

Despite being in a completely different place, I was a very good boy and did not cry at all. I even sat in my new car seat in a car I had never seen before in my life and did not complain even a bit. I was just taking in all the new things around me.

The rest of the day I slowly started to get acclimated to the new environment and Grandma and Grandpa. I wasn’t necessarily in a great mood, but more of a contemplative one. I took everything in. There was so much that was new that the first day at Grandma and Grandpa’s house, I pretty much remained in one spot. I played with the new truck that Grandma and Grandpa got me, I ate lunch in a new chair. I took things slow and they gave me the space I needed to start to feel comfortable around them and safe in a new home.