Long day and long night

Good morning! Boy, what a long night. This jet lag thing is pretty tough. But I surprised everyone by having considerably good sleep. It was a totally different room and crib, yet I went to sleep fairly quickly, less than 15 minutes. But after about an hour I woke up. My clock was all messed up. It took me about an hour to get to sleep again. I was awake but not quite awake. I stood up, sat down, lied down, stood up again, and toss and turned a lot! It was not easy, but I got myself to sleep again all by myself. I woke up a few more times during the night but was always able to get myself back to sleep. I guess the sleep training really paid off. A lot of people were worried about how I would handle the jet lag, but I think I handled it quite well. I had a 13 hour sleep (minus the times I woke up) and that might be my record for longest night’s sleep. I usually average only about 10 hours. Sure, I might be sleepy or a little cranky today, but I think I have adjusted to the new time zone. Okay, now I’m ready to have some fun!