Fun in the water and on the sand

I love the beach now, and am not hesitant about going in the water at all! In fact, once we got into view of the water I pointed in that direction, telling Daddy to take me in at once! So in we went! We were in such a hurry that my hat kept falling off and I thought that it was hilarious! Anyway, we had a ton of fun in the water!

I also wanted to get more experience in the sand this time, so we came up to the beach and I played in the sand a bit. It was really fun to just touch the sand and watch it fall through my fingers.

Even though I had fun playing with the sand, it looked more like I was observing an experiment since I was so serious about it. I think I impressed everyone by not trying to eat the sand as many babies do.

As proof as a fun time at the beach I dutifully fell asleep on the very short car ride home.