Trip babysitter

Mommy and Daddy are heading to a friend’s wedding today, so Obachan is coming along on our small trip to take care of me. I’m not sure where we are going but I’m sure I’ll be fine since Obachan will be there. She is my pal. We get along so well! She came over to our place and then we all left together in the car. But before we did that I had to play with her!

Then we headed off! It was a nice easy drive. There were a lot of cars to see. I was so relaxed that I dozed off pretty quickly and had a nice nap.

When we woke up we were nearly at our destination. We stopped at a convenience store to pick up some food and drink for me and Obachan then we headed to a hotel.

It was my first hotel ever and I was so excited! It was like a big bedroom and I had all kinds of new things to discover and play with. I was so excited!

When I first got to the room I was running around and checking everything out, practically bouncing off the walls. I had to open every door and check every corner. Mommy and Daddy were trying to get everything settled for me and get themselves ready for the wedding so they didn’t take a video of my first reactions. I can say that I was quite ecstatic. By the time they got a video I had calmed down and settled in a bit.

Then I got right to play ing with Obachan as Mommy and Daddy were leaving.

I was a little sad to see them go but they said they would be back and I knew I was in good hands with Obachan. I gave them hugs and waved goodbye and off they went. Then Obachan and I had a great time together!

When Mommy and Daddy came home I was very happy to see them! Obachan told them how I was such a good boy and gave her no trouble at all. I played with her, read books with her, and watched TV with her. We had a nice dinner together and I did not cry at all. Everyone was very proud of me!

We said goodnight to Obachan and Mommy and Daddy bathed me and put me to bed. The bath was a bit different than I was used to and I cried a bit, partially because it was late and I was really tired. When we went to bed I was rolling all over the place, not quite able to get to sleep. All the excitement from the new things today made me a bit overstimulated. Eventually I fell asleep and had a nice deep sleep.