Dinner with Nana and Papa

We all went out for yakiniku to celebrate Nana and Papa’s visit to Japan and a belated Boys’ Day. Nana and Papa were very impressed by how much I could eat. I think I easily out-ate Nana. The bonus is that even though it is an all-you-can-eat, my meal was free because I’m still under two. I sure took advantage of that. I had a lot of meat, rice, curry, soup, and of course ice cream for dessert!

All the food was great! But sometimes it took a while to arrive.

We had a great meal and I think we started off Nana and Papa’s visit to Japan really well! They had a great time and of course I had a great time too! We left the restaurant will full bellies and sore cheeks because we all smiled and laughed so much! It was so much fun! Then Nana and Papa made sure to stop by the bakery and pick up some breakfast for tomorrow, intending to share some with me.

What a great first day to what is bound to be a fun week with Nana and Papa!