Once Daddy came home from work we all hopped in the car and headed out for my 2nd birthday dinner. We went to a special restaurant that had a special kids’ meal. My food came served in a fire truck! Isn’t that awesome! This was actually the first restaurant where I literally cleaned my plate and ate a bunch of bread from the bread buffet. You could say that this was one of the places that helped me learn about enjoying food and enjoying going out!
Everyone seemed to enjoy their meals as well. Nana and Papa indulged and ate much more than they usually do. They also loved watching me devour my food, and some of Mommy and Daddy’s food as well. It seemed that I was never going to stop eating.
My kids’ meal came with a very large glass of juice which I really appreciated. It was very yummy!
The restaurant had a salad bar which we all took advantage of. I had a lot of mini tomatoes. I also had a couple of cups of soup as well as several pieces of bread from the bread buffet. And this is all on top of my kids’ meal. When Daddy asked if I wanted to try some grapefruit I eagerly said yes, signing “grapes”. He tried to explain that it wasn’t grapes, but grapefruit, but all I heard was “grape” and “fruit” which I love. So I tried it.

I surprised everyone and actually liked it! It was a bit tart, but still pretty tasty.
While eating I started to mimic Papa again and then I started mimicking Daddy as well. It was a very fun meal!

Thank you everyone for such a great 2nd birthday dinner!