Holo holo airplane

Yay! It is finally time to get on the airplane and go! I don’t get to do holo holo airplane very often so this is so much fun!

I’m two-years old now so I get my own seat. That means I have to put on a seatbelt. Daddy explained the seatbelt sign to me and I quickly understood the rules. When the light is on I should have my seatbelt on. The whole seatbelt things was new to me so I wanted to play with it a bit, but when it was time to take off, all Daddy had to do was point out the seatbelt sign and then I fastened my seatbelt properly and left it on.

I was very well behaved on the airplane. I did not cry or fuss at all. I enjoyed the inflight entertainment system. I still didn’t want to use my headphones, but it was nice to have some kids’ movies running on the screen. I played with my stickers a bit, but mainly I was on the iPad. I almost never get to play with it so I enjoyed the iPad time that I was allowed.

When the food came I was happy to have my own meal and ate quite well. I didn’t quite eat everything because we just had dinner before we took off, but I ate a good amount.

I slept quite well on the plane, even though it was a short sleep. By the time the food service was done and they turned off the lights, there were only a few hours to sleep before landing. I took advantage of that time.