Arriving on Kauai (Hawaii time)

We arrived safely on Kauai and Nana and Papa were waiting for us. I was still a bit groggy from my sleep on the flight, but by the time we got to the house I was fine.

Once we got to the house I was very happy to be there and everything came back to me. I immediately went exploring to familiarize myself with the house again. I went through the whole house looking for my cousins Maimai and Tata but could not find them. I was informed that they would not be visiting this trip. I was a bit sad because I’ve never experience Hawaii without them there. I guess I’ll have to get use to a relatively quiet and empty house.

Nana and Papa were so excited about our visit and they even got some new toys to play with. It was a new car set! I loved it immediately! Thank you, Nana and Papa!

After settling in a bit, we headed out to do some shopping for essentials. That was a lot of fun and I quickly slipped right back into life with Nana and Papa. When shopping, if Nana or Papa went off to pick something up, I would ask about where they were. When I saw them come back I would brighten up and smile. It felt so very normal very easily and quickly. It is like we just picked up from where we left off on our last visit. There was no “getting used to” period.

By the time we got back from shopping I was my usual goofy self. As an example, here I am excited about an instruction manual that I found.

I have a feeling that because I feel so comfortable here, we are going to forget to take pictures or make note of different things. I hope I can record as much as I can about my visit, but my first priority is to just enjoy it in the moment.