Flying home

We started the long trek home, but I’m such a good traveler it really wasn’t that hard. I love flying on airplanes and know how to follow all the rules. I even figured out my preferred seat is the window seat because there is more to see before and after take off.

I didn’t sleep on this flight, but I did get really drowsy right before we landed. So without a nap I was not in the best mood.

After we finished our first flight we got some lunch at the airport. It was so busy and I was quite hungry and tired that I had a bit of a tantrum, but was much better once I had some food in my belly. The spam musubi that Nana and Papa packed for our trip really helped get me fed and in a better mood. Then it was on to the next flight.

The next flight was the long one, but it went really smoothly. I watched some shows on my entertainment system, played with the iPad, read books, and chatted with Mommy and Daddy. And of course I dozed a bit.

I also ate a lot of the food during the meal service. There were fresh fruits (grapes and pineapples) so I was really happy. Mommy and Daddy generously gave me their share so I had a lot to eat!

I also finally got used to my headphones so I could enjoy my shows, games, and music! That was a game changer for me. I don’t know why I resisted using them for so long.

All in all it was an uneventful trip and we had no real trouble. I was well behaved on the long flight and either entertained myself or played nicely with Mommy and Daddy. I guess I’m just a natural born traveller.