We had a special “Welcome to Kauai” family dinner planned. The restaurant had hamburgers which I was really excited about. It was also only like 5 minutes away so there was no chance I was going to fall asleep during the car ride.

I fell asleep during the car ride. I didn’t wake up when Daddy took me out of the car seat. I didn’t wake up when we sat down. I didn’t wake up when the food came. I didn’t wake up when Daddy handed me off to Papa to carry me so that Daddy could eat. I didn’t wake up when we left the restaurant. I didn’t wake up when Daddy put me back in the car.

I didn’t wake up when we got home, so Mommy and Daddy thought I was down for the count so they put me in bed.

But before long I was up and seeking food. I just wanted a quick easy snack so I had some cheese and crackers.

By the way, those are not my feet in the picture.
After eating I was rejuvenated and started to play. I tried to get Daddy to play but realized he had fallen asleep. I guess it was a long day for him as well. We were all ready to go to back to sleep so after washing up it was off to bed.

What a great day! I am so happy to be on Kauai with family! We only spent half a day together and it was already so much fun and so memorable. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the trip holds in store for us!