Went to friends house for dinner and fireworks. Even though I was fascinated by fireworks last year, I was not very into it this year. I did some poppers and watched Mommy play with sparklers, but other than that I was not interested in the fireworks. 

I ate tons of fruits but was not in the best of moods. When I saw the fireworks I said “fire” and I was a bit wary of it.

At one point I asked Daddy to take me to the truck and we stayed there for a bit and I could enjoy some peace and quiet and I was very chatty during that time.
On the way home I fell asleep but I woke up as Mommy and Daddy were trying to take my jacket off. But that was okay. I could have my usual bedtime routine and I was in a very good mood. I was very chatty with Mommy and Daddy and went to sleep very happy.
I slept through the midnight fireworks and was completely unaware of them.
This past year of terrible twos has been trying and great at the same time. I grew up a lot in 2023 and with growing up come a lot of growing pains. But I’ve completely left behind my baby stage and am a toddler, if not a little boy now. It has been a great year and I can’t wait to see what 2024 will bring. Happy new year everyone!