Boy, did time fly by. I feel like we just got here, but already it is time to go. I was well-behaved and got ready quite quickly. That left me just enough time to get some more playtime with Tata in.

But then it was time to say goodbye to everyone. I was sad to say goodbye, but I made some great memories from this trip.

We got to the airport and check-in went really smoothly. So we had some time extra time. I was watching some of my videos in the check-in line so I just kept on watching them.

When it was time to go, I said my goodbyes to Nana and Papa and thanked them for such a great holiday visit. I don’t think I really understood the situation because once we got through airport security I asked where Nana and Papa were. Daddy told me they were at home. I asked why and Daddy explained that we were going back to our home in Japan and Nana and Papa were staying in their home in Hawaii. I repeated the same back to him as if I understood. But I didn’t really. On every airplane and at every stop during our trip back home I asked where Nana and Papa were. I’m going to miss them a lot.
Nana, Papa, I miss you and I love you! I can’t wait to see you again!