Nana and Papa are arrived in Japan today and I was so excited to go to meet them at the airport. I rode a subway and bus to get to the international terminal and I saw a bunch of airplanes while there. But that was not the best part. The best part was that I got to see them as they exited customs and I was so happy!

I had been waiting for their arrival for so long that when they actually got here I was a bit shy. But I was also all smiles!

Another happy note was that they brought me my garbage truck from Hawaii. I had been asking about it for months and now it is here. And a bonus surprise was that Nana and Papa also gave me a couple of cars too! I was so thrilled! I wasn’t going to let that garbage truck out of my sight.

We met up with Daddy and then we all headed to Nana and Papa’s hotel. Once we got there I was feeling more comfortable and less shy, so I started to play with Nana and Papa.

I wanted to keep playing but we had to go eat dinner so we found a nearby restaurant and had a great meal where I could be my goofy self.
After dinner we stopped by back at their hotel and I checked in on my toys and continued to play with Nana and Papa. I was in quite a playful mood.

But it was getting late, Nana and Papa had a long day of traveling, and we would have several days to play together and catch up, so we headed home.

I was still in such a good mood, and talkative. I stopped mid walk and then informed Mommy and Daddy that I had just peed. I felt like sharing.
Even though it was way past my bedtime, I made time to play with my Hawaii cars when we got home.

It was so nice to see Nana and Papa after so many months and I can’t wait to catch up with them tomorrow and over the next few days. So I’d better get to sleep so that I can be well-rested for our time together.