Lunch and hotel

We arrived in Nagoya without any problems. After dropping our bags off at the hotel we went out in search of lunch. Nagoya is a very busy city and all the places we found were full with a long line of customers. We finally found a nice little place with outdoor seating which was really comfortable and fun! It was a German pub and I got to try some new food and Mommy and Daddy got some good beer!

After lunch we checked into the hotel. Nana and Papa’s room was next door so I stopped by to see how they were doing and then I went back to our room to relax a bit.

This is how I relax.

We found a popular spot for dinner near the hotel, but it was so popular that we had to wait outside for bit before we were seated. Once we were seated the service was very fast and we ate really well. We could see why it was popular and we enjoyed the local cuisine. We were so focused on eating that we did not take a single picture.

Mommy’s friend lives in Nagoya so she went to meet up with her after dinner. I headed back to the hotel with Daddy and Nana and Papa, but not before picking up some dessert at a convenience store. I went over to Nana and Papa’s hotel room to eat it and had fun playing with them for a bit.

I couldn’t stay long because tomorrow we are heading to Lego Land and I needed a good rest. I said good night to Nana and Papa and then headed back to my hotel room for a bath and bedtime. I was fast asleep in no time.