I woke up in a really bad mood and was contradictory about everything. It was a typical case of waking up on the wrong side of the bed. After I got some breakfast in me I was a lot better.

We went to the farmers’ market this morning and there were a lot of things to see. I saw so many food trucks and so many fruits. Almost every food stall had some bananas and I pointed out all the bananas. But there were also other fruits, some of them were new to me. I learned about dragon fruit. They were very interesting looking fruits.

I had some frozen pineapple soft serve. We always get it when we visit the farmers’ market. It was very yummy and sweet.
I saw a few doggies walking around, but I was mostly interested in all the different cars that I saw in the parking lot. I saw a lot of jeeps of different colors. I also saw one Mercedes and directed Daddy over to it so that I could get a closer look.
When we got home we had chat with Maimai and Tata. I was very happy to see them and was wondering why they weren’t here. I guess I’ll see them on our next visit.

We went to the beach today. First we had lunch which was a bit late in the day because all of the bento places we visited were very crowded. But we enjoyed the food all the same and were energized for our beach visit.

The beach was very crowded since it is a weekend. And the waves were very rough. The beach was very different than I was used to. I was riding my airplane float and was getting a tiny bit seasick because of the rough waters. After a while I was feeling better and really had fun.’

After a water and snack break we went back into the water but on the smaller pool side. It was calmer there so I could have a bit more freedom in the water.

I had a great time at the beach. When I was told it was time to leave my immediate response was, “Why?”. I didn’t fight it or anything, I just wanted to know why we had to leave. I was told that it was getting late and that I had been in the sun and water for a long time. So off we went. When leaving the beach I said, “That was fun, yeah?”
After arriving back at home I went straight to playing with my HotWheels.
I had a good dinner and ate a lot of leftovers. We all ate so much that we didn’t have room for dessert. I got to watch TV but I was interested in a grabby thing that Nana had. It was cool, but hard for me to use. Also, I was more interested in watching Paw Patrol than working out how to use the grabby thing.
I was in a very playful mood and it took me a long time to go to bed. I kept visiting Nana and Papa’s bedroom and stalling my bedtime. But one I settled in bed I was asleep in no time.