Water balloons and hotel pool

I woke up a almost normal time and went through my usual morning routine. I kind of got used to our daily life here in Hawaii.

After getting dressed I played with a scalp massager and I’m not sure if I liked it or not. It was so ticklish.

We ended up outside again and Nana showed me that they had got some water balloons for me. I had never played with water balloons before but I picked up the concept very quickly.

Some water balloons didn’t fill up or ended up leaking so Daddy blew them up into regular balloons for me.

After playing with the water balloons I was naturally very wet so I had to get changed. Nana and Papa took care of my changing. It is so normal for them to have a hand in my daily life now. This trip feels less like a visit and more like everyday life. I’ve practically become Nana’s shadow.

After lunch I discovered the game cabinet and played a bunch of different board games with Daddy. I quite like the Game of Life. I didn’t really understand the idea, but I like the cars, little peg people and I loved spinning the wheel.

We went to a hotel today. There were huge pools but when we go there I didn’t want to go into the water. I just ate my snack poolside. That is until Daddy jumped into the water. It looked like a lot of fun so I changed into my swim gear when I was done with my snack and hopped into the water with Mommy and Daddy. We had a lot of fun playing in the pool. The water was just right. Cool, but not cold. We went here and there in the pool and I was squealing and laughing the whole time. I was hesitant to go over to the sand pool at the beginning but we got there eventually. Daddy piggy back crawled around the sand pool wherever I directed him.

After playing in the pool for a long time we went to our hotel room to shower and change clothes.