Morning in Kitakyushu

I woke up in Kitakyushu in a very good mood. I had had a very nice sleep in the hotel room and barely stirred at all through the night. Daddy zipped off to get us some breakfast (twice). First he went to McDonald’s to get me some pancakes and the Tomica car prize. Then I said that I wanted to eat some fruit, which is part of my daily diet so he then zipped off again to the convenience store to pick up a banana and mixed fruit for me. While he was gone and I was getting ready I was serenading Kitakyushu City, singing while looking out upon the cityscape.

After breakfast, and finishing up the Paw Patrol movie, we packed up and checked out. I prefer to be at home with all my toys, but I really enjoy staying in hotels and all the new experiences that come with it.