Rough being sick

It is not easy being sick. I had a day of a lot of ups and downs, but the downs were pretty rough. When you are sick you realize how much of your mood is affected by your health. I was good, smiling, and happy at parts during the day. But most of the time I was very demanding and disagreeable. When I get like that I can’t let go of things and dig myself into holes that I can’t get myself out of. Mommy took the day off to take care of me, but I was not listening to her a lot and was whining a lot. I wasn’t well behaved at the doctors and even at home would not listen to her. At one point I demanded to watch YouTube, which Daddy had erased from the TV because of a tantrum I through some other day. I asked Mommy to watch YouTube but when she reminded me that it was erased I got upset and wouldn’t let it go. It is just hard to try to be good when you are not feeling good.

After dinner I was feeling better and my fever had gone down. So I was able to end the day in a better mood and better behaved. Being sick is rough.