Mommy’s birthday dinner

We went out for Mommy’s birthday dinner tonight! The food was very good, but we had a limited time at the table, so we had to eat kind of fast.

We had a fun time. Mommy made me crack up by making crossed-eyes. I thought it was hilarious! I tried to do crossed-eyes to, but didn’t quite get it.

I made Mommy laugh in different ways than crossed-eyes.

At the end of dinner we had a nice surprise when a surprise birthday dessert plate arrived! Mommy was very surprised and happy. She especially liked the fact that the plate was wishing “Motchan”, my nickname for her, a happy birthday!

It was a yummy dessert!

Once again, Happy birthday, Mommy!

Since we had to leave the restaurant fairly quickly, we went in search of more food for me. We stopped by a bakery near the subway station to get me a little more food and Mommy and nice refreshing drink.

As you can see, I was in a very good mood.

We even had a fun walk home. We ran and raced a bit. And even walked like penguins.

What a fun night!