Happy Halloween

We celebrated Halloween today! It is not a standard event in Japan, but you do see Halloween decorations and goods up around the end of October. The thing is, there is no Trick-or-Treating custom. So we improvise.

First, I get to go to the snack store and pick out some Halloween treats for myself and my friend.

Then I dress up in the awesome costume that Nana makes for me and pretend to go Trick-or-Treating, (walking around in costume and eventually sitting down to eat my treats).

Nana made me a police officer costume this year which I just love! I was very happy to wear it and quite comfortable. While walking around I heard a lot of passersby’s comments saying, “Oh, how cute!”

As with any kid, my favorite part of Halloween was eating my treats. I don’t often get candy and was very happy to find cute ones that interested me. My favorite one was the poop-shaped lollipop.

After Trick-or-Treating, we went toy shopping with the money that Nana and Papa sent with their Halloween card.

There were so many toys to look at, but I chose my Tomica fire truck quite quickly without any wavering. But while looking at other toys and making my Christmas wish list I looked like a mall security guard doing my rounds.

Even though it is an unconventional Halloween celebration, I really enjoyed it and was very happy!

Happy Halloween everyone!