Breakfast buffet

We went out to a restaurant buffet for breakfast. At first I didn’t like that idea. I wanted to make pancakes with Mommy and had it in my mind that we would do that today. Daddy apologized for not letting me know about our plans and promised that I would be able to make pancakes with Mommy tomorrow. But due to our schedule, we couldn’t go to the buffet tomorrow. He also added that there are times when we don’t get exactly what we want when we want it. There are times where we have to do things we don’t want to do. Then he asked me to just go to the breakfast buffet, which I had enjoyed before, and try to enjoy it. I said I would try.

In the end, I loved it! There were so many choices of foods! When we got there and I saw the selection I was giddy with excitement and could barely control myself. When we sat down I told Mommy and Daddy, “Thank you for taking me here. Thank you for buying me breakfast.” We had a great breakfast! And we had a nice window seat where I could observe cars coming into the parking lot and driving by on the street. I think we will definitely be coming back here again.