Second day on Oahu

I woke up in a very good mood. I had a nice 12 hour sleep. There was a little tossing and turning, but overall it was a nice sleep.

Papa picked up some malasadas for breakfast. Daddy went to get coffee and milk and came back with coffee milk and Lauren. I was very happy to see her. I played with her while I ate breakfast.

After that I got ready and then we visited Papas room. We were happily surprised to find Maile there too. She was happy so see me and scooped me up. She and Lauren are strong enough to carry me.

Then it was time to get ready for lunch so we headed back to our room. We got ready and headed to lunch. There were so many relatives there that I was meeting for the first time that I was quite shy. I buried my face into Daddy’s shoulder and stayed like that for a while. Too many new people.

After we sat down and I ate lunch, I was in a much happier mood. I wasn’t necessarily going to greet all the relatives, but I was all smiles and laughter as I played with Lauren. I had so much fun my own little familiar world. I played with Nana a bit too.

I got to try on Nana’s bracelets and really liked the bling.

Before we knew it, our lunch was finished and it was time to go. We had a plane to catch. We had to head to Kauai. Even today I asked Daddy multiple times about when we were going to go to Nana and Papa’s house.

We took some family photos and then headed to the airport. I fell asleep in the car because I was tired from all the playing at lunch and I was still trying to catch up on my sleep after the long day of travel.

I woke up when we arrived at the airport. I was still tired and was clingy to Mommy. Then Lauren and family arrived at the airport and then I perked up and just started to hangout with Lauren. After checking in, getting through security, and settling at the gate, I watched a lot of airplanes and airport vehicles from the window. Then it was time to board.

For some reason, when we got on the plane and found our seats, I was not satisfied. I didn’t like the side of the plane that I was seated on so I started to complain and say that I wanted to change seats. Mommy and Daddy tried to explain to me that we couldn’t change seats because we were assigned seats and it was against the rules. But I was overtired and worked up and would not listen. I threw another massive tantrum. I cried uncontrollably and tried to get to another seat. Mommy and Daddy offered to switch with me, but I wanted one on the other side of the airplane. Or at least that is what I said. Who knows what I actually wanted. I was nearly hysterical. It was time to taxi out, so Mommy and Daddy had to force me into my seat and force my seatbelt on. It was the carseat situation from yesterday all over again. I kept trying to unbuckle my seatbelt, which is of course very dangerous and against the rules, so Mommy and Daddy had to physically restrain me in my seat. I went on and on, crying, yelling, grunting, not listening to anything at all. Daddy was very angry at me for not listening and trying to do something that was putting myself in danger. He threatened to cancel Christmas. I was running out of energy and tried to look for a way out. I finally said that I wanted to change seats with Mommy and sit in the middle seat, (which Daddy had suggested at the very beginning). Daddy said that I could change only if I promised to calm down and listen. I agreed. We switched as the plane was taxiing to the runway and I immediately stopped my tantrum. I stopped crying, stopped fighting. I asked for the snack that Daddy had offered at the beginning and munched on some biscuits as the plane took off. After my snack and some inflight juice and leaned over to rest my head on Mommy’s lap and fell asleep.

I was still asleep when the plane landed. Mommy carried me off and found a bench near the baggage claim to sit on while we waited for our luggage and waited for Papa to come back with the car. I slept all the way until Papa arrived with the truck. Then we finally went to Nana and Papa’s house which I had been waiting for this whole time.

At the house I was in a good mood again and played here and there before I took out the HotWheels and Lego to play. I played there for a bit until it was time to go to dinner. It was too soon for me, but I agreed. We went to a restaurant and I was good for a while, but then started to act up again. I wasn’t listening to Daddy and started to be bossy and mean. Daddy had to take me out of the restaurant to calm down but I did not. I threw yet another massive tantrum and hit Daddy many times. I was not behaving at all. I told Daddy to go away so he did then I ran after him crying. Daddy said that he would not talk to me until I started treating him nicely and apologized for hitting him. I directly said, “No!” so he stopped talking to me. He stayed with me but would not listen to my crying and whining. When I persisted he checked and asked me if I was going to apologize and I said, “I didn’t do anything,” which was a lie. He got very angry and would not talk to me until I came around and started telling the truth. It took a very long time but I finally said that I was sorry for hitting him and not listening and being mean. We hugged and returned to the restaurant, but Daddy was still very upset with me. We ate our dinners in silence. Everyone else had already finished so we were pretty much left alone.

I ate fairly well and then we headed home. When we got there I asked Daddy to play but he said he needed some time because he was still very upset with me. I was about to push to get what I wanted but thought better of it and by Mommy’s encouragement left Daddy alone. I played a bit around the house and then finally asked Mommy to play with me. We played with Lego until it was time for my bath. Daddy had given me a timeframe and I followed it obediently. I took a bath, read my books, brushed me teeth and then it was off to bed.

I was in a very happy mood just to be alone in a room with Mommy and Daddy. We cuddled and I fell asleep very quickly. It was another long day. There were so many great moments that were filled with smiles and laughter, but there were some unfortunate moments where my stubborn fits caused so much trouble. I would like to say it was from being overtired, jetlagged, and in a different envirionment, which were all true, but there might be other issues that I have to start dealing with to be a better little boy. Mommy and Daddy always love me, but I don’t always make it easy for them. Let’s home the more relaxing time at Nana and Papa’s house will make it easier for me to show everyone that I am in fact a very good boy.