We had a family gathering on Mommy’s side of the family today. We picked up Ojisan from the airport and then drove out to Jiiji’s hometown. I had a pretty good time bonding with Ojisan in the car.

But it was a very long ride so near the end I got to watch some of my shows on the iPad.

I was very well behaved at the lunch. I quietly greeted relatives that I was meeting for the first time. I ate most of my lunch and sat nicely the whole time. I just interacted with Mommy and Daddy and smiled politely when people asked questions about me.
After lunch we headed over to one of Mommy’s Aunt and Uncle’s house. There was a doggie there that kept my attention for the time we spent there.

I was well behaved there too!
Before long it was time to make the long drive back to the city. Ojisan had a flight to catch back to Tokyo. So off we went.
We got back to the city safely and met up with Obachan. We all went to see Ojisan off at the airport.

We stopped by a coffee shop to chat until Ojisan had to leave on his flight.
I did some airplane watching. Real ones outside and model ones in the coffee shop.

Before long we had to say goodbye to Ojisan and we wished him a safe trip.
When we got home I wanted to play on my Mercedes since I didn’t have much time to play at home today. So I had a night drive.