
As usual, I woke up in a very good mood this morning. I had asked Papa for donuts for breakfast, but I only ate half of it. I mainly ate grapes and bananas for breakfast.

After eating breakfast I got ready and played with all of my toys. Daddy had to do some shopping and I said that I wanted to go to so we headed off to the store. I was happy to see there were quite a few speed bumps in the parking lot and Daddy went over every one that he could find. After shopping Daddy hit all the speed bumps again on the way back.

Daddy’s high school friends came over for a reunion today. In the past years I had mixed feeling about these reunions. The first one I experience was a bit of a blur because I was too small to really know what was going on. Last year’s one was not enjoyable for me because I didn’t know how to share and I felt that all my toys were being taken away from me, especially my new Christmas toys, even though the little boy visiting was just borrowing them to play with temporarily. Still, for me who was not good at sharing, it was not fun. So leading up to this reunion Daddy prepared me for what was going to happen, what may happen, and what he expected of me.

In summary, I did great! I was. very gracious host and shared almost all my toys openly. There were a few of my favorite toys that I set aside just for me so that the other little boys didn’t mistakenly play with them. I even put a car in my pocket to make sure it was with me the whole time. I was just a very good boy. Not only did I let the little boys play with my toys but I actually interacted with them and played with them a bit. We shared toys, intertwined our play styles, and were right there together having fun. I have to admit that I enjoyed playing with the little boys and Daddy.

When it was lunch time I was really excited about the huge sandwich that I shared with Daddy. Not only was it huge, but it was also very delicious! I heartily ate my share of the sandwich.

As people finished lunch they started to trickle outside to play in the wading pools and play with the water balloons. I was in a very good mood and decided to go outside and play with Lauren. I had a great time playing in the water and throwing my share of water balloons. Daddy was inside talking to his friends, but I had Mommy to play with and watch over me. Lauren and her friend were also very sweet and were very nice and generous to me.

After playing outside in the sun for so long it was getting a bit hot but Nana brought out the juice pops and they really hit the spot. We all enjoyed our icy treats.The best thing was that even though they dripped, we didn’t have to worry about making a mess because we were outside.

Before long it was time for Daddy’s friends to go. I was actually sad to see them go. I had a lot of fun with them and can’t wait to see them again next year. I even insisted on seeing the little boys off when they left.

I hadn’t expected it, but I got a present from one of the boys for our Christmas gift exchange. He got me a couple of awesome Lego sets and some HotWheels monster trucks! Thank you! They were so cool! Mommy and Daddy had to do some grocery shopping for dinner, so Aunty Chris and Lauren helped put my Lego sets together and played with me. I was very well behaved while Mommy and Daddy were gone. I played nicely with Aunty Chris and Lauren. When I had some grapes for snack I even generously offered some to Lauren without any prompting or anything.

When Mommy and Daddy got back, Mommy got right to cooking and I asked Daddy to play with me. I showed him my new toys and we had a fun time playing with them. After a while we went to watch some TV in the bedroom and Lauren came to join us. We watched TV until it was dinner time.

I ate a good dinner. I especially like the rice noodle salad that Mommy made and I told her repeatedly. After dinner I had some dessert. Daddy got a special whipped cream treat for me and sprayed it right in my mouth! But I didn’t want any on my ice cream.

After my dessert we played some more with my toys. We had quite a story going with multiple bad characters and good characters. The bad cars were wrecking the town and the police cars and fire trucks had to both fix the town and capture the bad cars.

When it was bed town I happily went through my bedtime routine, eager to get to my projector stories at the end. Today I requested two stories! They are so fun. After the stories I went right to sleep. It was a long fun day. Everyone was very proud how good of a boy I was. There were no tantrums and no problems sharing either. It was a good day.