It has been one week since we got to Hawaii and time is flying by way too fast. I woke up this morning to some Japanese pancakes that Daddy made for everyone. I was really excited about it when he asked everyone yesterday if we wanted them. Even though the question was addressed to everyone else I adamantly stated repeatedly, “Mason want pancakes. Mason want pancakes.” And after all that I only ate like two small pancakes. Again, fruits were the main part of my breakfast.
After getting ready after breakfast we headed to the farmers’ market. I wasn’ t as excited as I usually am, but I was convinced to go because of the pineapple frosty that we always get there. After getting it right after arriving at the farmers’ market I was glad we made the trip because it was totally worth it.

It started raining just as we were leaving the market. When we got home I watched the rain from inside. There was light rain and heavy rain and then no rain. And then it rained again. Daddy said that there might be a chance that we see a rainbow because it was raining but there were sunny parts as well. Unfortunately we didn’t see any rainboys. I said, “Too bad we didn’t see any rainbows.”
At home we played all over the place. We played inside, we played outside, we played with toys, we made up our own games. Just a lot of playing all around. After so much playing we needed some quiet time so we went to the bedroom to watch some more of a movie again.

We were watching Totoro and there was a seen where the characters were flying and mentioned to Daddy that I can’t fly. But if I wanted to fly I could take off my arms and replace them with wings. Then I would be able to fly. Daddy pointed out that if I had wings instead of arms it would be harder to do other things like eat or play. I said that I would switch back to arms again.
We had pizza bites that Lauren made for lunch. They were very yummy! I told Daddy that they were a little spicy but I liked them a lot!
After lunch it was back to playing all over the place. We played indoors. We played outdoors..We caught lizards again. I saw an old dollhouse that we were giving away and decided to play with it one more time right there in the patio.

But of course, there were not happy moments too. I’m still having very bad mood swings.
We played with my beach toy contruction cars but we didn’t have anything to scoop, haul, or dump. So Daddy got me some marbles to play with to replace the sand. We did a. lot of scooping, hauling, and dumping. When it was time ot play inside again, I brought the construction vehicles and beach toys inside and played inside as well.

I drove a hula hoop a bit too.
Later Daddy said that I could play on the iPad a bit since I hadn’t had any screen time all day. I played for a bit until Daddy said he was going to go outside to help Papa barbecue dinner. I wanted to go outside too and played a bunch with Lauren. We made a workout routine by doing pullups and then running to the other clothesline and the returning to repeat. It was more of a workout for Daddy because he had to pick me up to help me do the pullups. I found a hula hoop and made it into my steering wheel. Nana played city driving with me and told me what color the traffic lights were and I would stop and go according to the lights.
When Papa finsihed cooking the meat on the barbecue I announced to everyone, “Dinner is ready,” but everyone was very slow to get to the table. I was so hungry that I couldn’t wait. I was waiting and waiting at teh dinner table. I even had to sneak a bite before grace. When everyone got there we had a very good dinner. I ate three pieces of meat, even more than Mommy! It was very delicous and I made sure to tell Papa that.
After I finished my dinner I had some dessert again. I’ve been very good at eating my ice cream cones and don’t spill at all.
We went back to playing with my toys until it was bath time. Then I hopped in the bath and went back to playing until it was book time.

Then I read my books, brushed my teeth, watched my projector stories and went to bed. For some reason I am very energetic and playful at bedtime and I was goofing around with Mommy a lot. I was teasing her and making her laugh a lot. But when it was time to sleep I went right to sleep. It had been another great fun, but tiring, day. I can’t wait for tomorrow.