
I woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. I was all smiles. It was very pleasant for Mommy and Daddy to wake up to a smiley face. I was also quite well behaved. I ate my breakfast without problem and even asked, “After finish eat breakfast and get dressed, can I play?” The answer was of course, yes.

First we went outside to find some lizards, which took some time, but we ended up finding three small ones, which made me very happy. I like catching the lizards and talking to them in the box. Of course, I alway make sure to let them go.

While Daddy worked on our Christmas card, I played outside with Lauren and Mommy. I had fun riding the kickboard scooter around and around the patio. I even had a route where I would go around once, park, and then get off. I repeated this many times.

After playing outside for a long time I came in to drink some juice and watch some TV. I looked very content with my mug and in my (Nana’s) bedroom slippers.

I had a quesadilla for lunch, which I liked, but then claimed was too spicy. I ate about a fourth of it and then was full. (Later I finished another fourth, so I guess it wasn’t as spicy as I thought.)

After lunch we had to go shopping and I specifically asked Maile to join us. We had a bit of fun before we headed out.

Then I was a little bossy to her and did not appear thrilled to have her shopping with me. Everyone wondered why I asked her to come if I wasn’t going to be nice to her. But overall everyone seemed to have fun shopping especially when they found the things that they were looking for. They even picked up some Starbucks. We brought home a pink drink for Lauren which she generously shared with me.

After the refreshment time I played with Daddy. We made multiple scenarios for my cars were they were in trouble and emergency vehicles had to come and rescue them. I had a few bossy moments but I took some time and then recovered by apologizing and playing nicer. I was quite well behaved again today without any tantrums.

Lauren was looking for things to draw so I made a couple of requests and she ended up making these awesome drawings/paintings for me! So cool!

At dinner time I ate a good amount, but not as much as when we had lamb or kalbi. I ate just enough. I claimed that I was full, but when I was told that I couldn’t have dessert unless I finished everything on my plate I was able to finish everything.

We were invited to visit the house of a friend of Nana’s because she had tons of Christmas trees up in her house. I fell asleep on the drive up, but woke up in a good enough mood and enjoyed seeing all the Christmas trees. Lauren counted 57 trees and they were all lit up and decorated differently. They were quite pretty!

On the ride home I had a fun time looking at Papa’s phone’s map. I followed our GPS location and noted nearby landmarks like gas stations and traffic signals as they popped up on the map. I also asked a lot of questions about symbols and locations that I saw. It was a very fun and educational conversation.

And of course I got some dessert when we got home.

When we got home I had my dessert and went right to playing. It was late so after playing for the agreed upon time I took a bath and then played the agreed upon time before reading books, brushing teeth, and going to bed. After my projector stories I went right to sleep. Another wonderful day in paradise!

Oh, but Mommy was so tired that I had to drag her to bed. What a good son!

Posing in my sleep.