Day 9

I woke up fairly early today. Earlier than others in the house. But maybe I woke up too early because I ended up in a bad mood and threw a couple morning tantrums.

First, I didn’t like the fact that everyone was eating breakfast together at the dining table. Usually we all eat separately which means I often get the dining room table to myself. I wasn’t prepared to share this morning so I threw a tantrum. Daddy took me into the bedroom until I came around. it took a while but I finally did come around. I apologized and then reemerged to join everyone for breakfast. By that time most people were done with breakfast and were clearing out.

I started to eat breakfast and did okay for a while. Daddy went to the bathroom and I followed him. Mommy tried to get me to come back to eat breakfast and I was mean to her and then I threw another tantrum. Sometimes there are things that I don’t go the way I see it in my head and that upsets me. This time Mommy stayed with me until I calmed down and apologized for treating her badly. I then ended up finishing my breakfast by myself with Mommy and Daddy sitting with me.

After breakfast I was in a much better mood. I even told Daddy that after breakfast I would brush my teeth and change my clothes and then play. Which is exactly what I did. I played in the living room with Daddy, Lauren, and my toys the whole morning.

Oh, and I also watched Papa mow the lawn.

When it was time for lunch Daddy placed an order for burgers for us and was going to just run out and pick them up on his own but I insisted on coming along, so I went for a ride with Daddy and Mommy. We got back and ate lunch and then played again.

Later Daddy offered to take Mommy to the farmers market to pick up more fruits and suggested that I stay home with Nana and Papa. Again, I insisted on coming along. So we made it a family trip. On the way Daddy let me check out the map on his phone and I noted all the different locations on our way to the farmers’ market. I spotted shopping places, a car dealership, and even a mechanics shop.

At the farmers’ market we picked up a couple of papayas and a pomelo at the farmers’ market.

It was about my snack time and I told Daddy that I was hungry. So we went in search of a snack and ended up getting smoothies for Mommy and me. I was really happy about the tasty smoothies. We had some at the store but then decided to head home to finish them.

We saw a cool Santa display so we decided to have a bit of a photo shoot.

We had our smoothies outside and went in search of lizards. We didn’t catch any. I guess all the lizards are more wary of us and hid really well when they saw us coming. Instead I played with the hula hoop a bit, pretending it was a steering wheel. Then I was a tractor and the hula hoop was my scoop to collect my crops, which happened to be corn. We went all over the yard collecting corn.

Before long it was time to get ready to go out for dinner. I did so without argument, finishing off my smoothie. I played around the house as everyone started to wash up and get dressed in nice clothes. Then I realized that I should get dressed to so I came bursting into the room asking to change. I got changed quickly and then was all over hte house playing again. I ended up very sweaty, but at least Iw as ready on time. We headed off to the restaurant.

When we got ot the restaurant we took a few family pictures at the beach and then took our seats.

After placing our orders Maile and Lauren headed back to the beach to take photos and I followed with Daddy in tow. I told Daddy that I wanted to run around in the sand, which he said was okay. I told Daddy that I wanted to go into the water, which he said we couldn’t. We would have to come back in the day time in our swimwear. I had fun just wandering round in the sand and checking in on my cousins here and there. At one point I was playing with them by tossing sand on their feet. It started getting dark so we headed back to our table.

After washing my hands we went to the table and I helped Mommy eat her salad. Then our food and drinks came and I dug right in. My fresh fruits were fmy favorite part of the meal and I wiped it out right away. I ate a good portion of my cheeseburger as well.

After a lovely dinner we headed home. In the car I laid out the plan for Daddy. i told him that I would have dessert, play, then take a bath, play some more, then read books, brush my teeth, and watch my projector stories before going to bed. And I did just that. As usual I was in a wonderful moood in bed with Mommy and Daddy, all smiles and playfulness. I went to bed without problem and was asleep very quickly.

The day had a rough start, but ended up being really fun. I hope I can make it through tomorrow without any tantrums or trouble.