Dinner, dessert, dancing, dress, dead bugs

It is Friday so Mommy and I had a special dinner. Daddy had to work late again so it was like a date night. I ate a really good dinner. They didn’t have a kids’ menu so I just ate a normal adult portion. Daddy finished work just about when we were finishing up so he met us at the restaurant so we could all walk home together. We stopped by a convenience store on the way home to pick up some dessert. I chose a very sweet strawberry pastry. It was actually so sweet that I couldn’t finish the whole thing, but the part that I could eat was delicious!

I was enjoying the sugar high from the dessert so I felt like dancing!

After bath I wanted Daddy to make me a towel dress, but then I wanted to pretend to be trucks as we walked, I mean “drove”, to the family room. Daddy was a steam roller and I was a cement mixer.

In bed we had to be dead bugs again before we went to sleep.