Mommy had to work today and even though she had told me about it, I didn’t like it. When she was about to leave I burst into tears. I was so sad. I told her not to go. I told her that I wanted to go to work with her. I cried and cried. No matter what she or Daddy said, I wouldn’t calm down. In the end Daddy practically had to peel me off of Mommy so that she could go to work.
After she left I was still very sad, but I started to calm down. I had woken up just before Mommy left so I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. Maybe my hunger made me hyper-sensitive. Daddy asked me what I wanted for breakfast and I wouldn’t answer him. He asked if I wanted a parfait and I quickly, but still sadly, said yes.

After that I was fine.

But I still wanted to see Mommy so Daddy and I headed into the city to meet her after she finished her work. I was thrilled to see her and was quite clingy. Then we all went to lunch. There weren’t many options in the area, but we found a place that had omurice, so we went there. It wasn’t a kids’ set, but I had no problem finishing the whole thing.

We headed back home on the subway and I had more fun now that we were all together again.