My fever was still with me when I woke up and I had a cough as well. Naturally I stayed home and Daddy stayed home with me because he had been feeling a bit under the weather as well the past couple of days. I was feeling alright, but just really tired. I was well behaved, not having the energy to do much else.
When taking my temperature I told Daddy about the day before when Mommy had to pick me up from school. I said, “Mason go sleep and wake up and eat snack. Temperature take looong time. It was high so my Mom came to pick me up quickly.†Daddy thought it was cute and funny that I called Mommy “Mom”. I think he thought I was growing up very quickly.

Daddy and I went to the doctor’s. I was a very brave boy. During the exam I did everything the doctor asked me to do and did not fuss, struggle or protest. Even during the flu check I was very strong and brave. I cried a bit when the doctor put the cotton swab into my nose, but I recovered quickly after and even sat nicely while Daddy got his own exam. We later found out that we both had the flu. Oh my goodness! And we are set to fly to Hawaii in a few days. We picked up our prescription medicine, a lot of liquids, some food, and a little lollipop reward for me being so brave during the exam. Oh, and some appropriate sized masks for me. The one the lent me at the doctor’s was much to big.

Daddy and I took it easy for the rest of the day. Except for eating lunch, all we did was rest on the couch and watch TV. We dozed a bit when we were tired, but did not do much else.
When saying goodnight to Daddy I said, “Mason was brave boy today, yeah?†(Because of the doctor’s appointment and the flu test). Daddy responded, “Yes, Mason was very brave boy, strong boy, and good boy.†I was very proud of myself. Even though it was a rough day with my fever peaking at 39.4°C, nearly 103°F, I was a very very good boy. I hope we don’t get Mommy sick and I hope we feel better soon. And I hope we are well enough to go to Hawaii on Saturday. For now, I need my rest. Good night!