Leaving for Hawaii

We got to the airport without any trouble and checked in quickly and smoothly. The international terminal does not have restaurants because it is undergoing renovations, so Daddy went to the convenience store to pick up dinner for us. When he returned he found me crying. I was obviously hangry and it had gotten to me and I couldn’t control it anymore. Daddy got me to start eating and right away I was in a better mood. I ate very heartily and was soon all smiles!

I was really excited about riding the airplane. I love flying!

We boarded the plane and got ready for take off. I was trying to watch a movie but the cabin announcements kept interrupting my show. After we were done taxiing and started taking off, my show started up again. But by that time I had dozed off.

I slept the entire flight. I missed the dinner meal service and the breakfast meal service. I woke up a couple times to reposition myself a bit, but went right back to sleep. I had a very good sleep.