Most of my time during the day is spent sleeping. Depending on the day, a lot of my time awake can be spent crying. It is a very calming and relaxing moment in time when I am awake and not crying. It is an extra bonus when I can be put down on my matContinue reading “Awake”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
The many faces of Mason
I haven’t quite worked out this speaking thing. Mommy and Daddy seem to be able to do it without any effort. I can make my mouth move but no words come out yet. Just give me some time. I’ll get the hang of it sooner or later.
I had a rough night last night. I kept crying and crying and didn’t want to be put down. It happens sometimes. The weird thing is that during the day it is much easier for me to be put down. During the day I’m more likely to stay asleep when put down in my crib,Continue reading “Sleeping”
On Daddy
It is obvious that I find it very comfy to be on Daddy. But it appears that it is pretty comfy for Daddy too.
Tummy Timeout
Okay, I know I was just bragging about my core workouts, but I can be lazy too. Sometimes I just can’t find the strength to get off my diapered butt to work out.
I have a good appetite and enjoy both breast milk and supplementary formula, but there is an unfortunate consequence of a lactose based diet: gas. I know it is not the most sophisticated of topics, but I’m just trying to be honest with you. I am often gassy. Sometimes when I’m fussy, I a goodContinue reading “Gassy”
Core workout
Just because I’m a baby, it doesn’t mean I get to be lazy and lie around doing nothing. I have to workout to stay in shape. Tummy time helps me strengthen my neck, but it also helps me with my core as well. Often, when people think of core muscles, they only think of abs,Continue reading “Core workout”
Held vs. Put down
I think it holds true that all babies prefer to be held to being put down. We just like being in the arms of loved ones. It feels so safe, secure, and warm. When we are put down we feel lonely. It is very obvious with me too. Sometimes I am okay with being inContinue reading “Held vs. Put down”
Just looking at this picture makes me feel drowsy. It is so comfy to be held. It must be to be doing the holding too. I’m pretty sure that Daddy fell asleep.
Daddy is doing it again. He is using his beard to make me have a combover hair style. It still makes Mommy laugh. I still think it looks dapper!
Long neck
When I fall asleep in Mommy’s or Daddy’s arms, but head often falls back because of the weight of my head. Mommy and Daddy don’t know if they should be happy because I look so relaxed when I sleep or worried that my head my fall off. Sometimes it just hangs over their arms.
Umbilical cord stump
Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!!!! Something fell off of me! I’m falling apart, and at such a young age! Aaaahh…wait a minute. What is that? A raisin? Oh, no it’s not a raisin. It’s my umbilical cord stump. It dried and fell off. Yay? I guess this is something to celebrate. The hospital even gave me a commemorative caseContinue reading “Umbilical cord stump”
Still a little baby boy
I was born a big baby and I feel like I’m growing a lot every day, but I’m still a little baby boy. I look and feel very small sometimes when I rest on Daddy’s chest. It’s hard to believe that one day I may grow to be taller than him.
Nap time?
There once was a time where I slept nearly the entire day. I would usually take a nap after every feeding. But recently I have been awake and alert more often, even after feeding. If I’m not crying and fussy, Mommy and Daddy are happy to have me awake so they can talk and interactContinue reading “Nap time?”
Sleep rolling
You already saw how close I am getting to rolling over. I’m getting to the point where I can almost do it in my sleep.
My first music video
Now that I am two weeks old, I’ve been wondering what I’ve been doing with my life. So I decided to make a career change. I am going to dabble in music. Daddy helped me make my first music video. It’s a cover of an oldie but goodie. It’s short, but I hope you likeContinue reading “My first music video”
Moro Reflex
As you know, I am full of surprises, even in my sleep. I have been surprising Mommy and Daddy a lot with my Moro reflexes. It is an infantile startle reflex where a baby shoots his hands out in the air. It usually happens when the baby is startled by something, usually a noise. IContinue reading “Moro Reflex”
Tummy Time
When FaceTiming with Grandma and Grandpa today, we decided that it was time for me to start having more tummy time. I’ve had tummy time on Daddy’s tummy before, but haven’t really started tummy time on my own on the floor. So we gave it a shot. Utter and complete paralysis. I surprised us all.Continue reading “Tummy Time”