With a little practice and a few tweaks to procedure, bath time has become slightly more bearable with less tears. There are even moments of calm pleasure. You know what? I think I can see myself enjoying bath time in the future.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
There’s sleep and then there’s dreamland
When I sleep, I sleep quite well. Mommy and Daddy keep saying how I look like a little angel. I love those nice long deep sleeps that are just so peaceful. You can see it on my face. And then there are those beautifully comfortable sleeps that bring me to dreamland. I am so contentContinue reading “There’s sleep and then there’s dreamland”
Kicking off the covers
Us babies do not come with manuals. Sure, there are a lot of books, websites, and people who have a lot of advice on how to take care of babies, and a lot of it is very helpful. But not all of it is always true for every baby. I heard that there are babiesContinue reading “Kicking off the covers”
Another full day
So, that’s another full day done. As before, I was very busy all day. People think it’s easy to be a baby, but they are wrong. It is no cake walk. Our lives are full of tough life decisions that will alter the flow and outcome of the day. People really shouldn’t take for grantedContinue reading “Another full day”
Awake and Alert
I spend the majority of my day asleep. People say that it is a baby’s job to sleep. I’ve been doing my job really well. Previously, my few waking hours were spent crying, eating, peeing or pooping. But recently I have been awake and alert a lot more and taking in the world around me.Continue reading “Awake and Alert”
My first pet
Look at my little doggie! He is my first pet! Mommy made him for me when I was still in her tummy. I’m still a little too young to play with him, but I’m sure he’s going to be my bestest playmate! Mommy and Daddy are making a prediction that the poor doggie’s fur willContinue reading “My first pet”
Hanging out with Daddy
I like hanging out with Daddy. We just talk about stuff, stare at each other, and bring each other a lot of comfort. We don’t really have to do much to enjoy this time together.
Garden View
I like my home. Did you know it has a garden view? It might not be much, but it’s quite nice for being in the middle of a large city of 1.5 million people. We have a bunch of herbs and are waiting for our tomato, potato, and lemon plants to produce. The lettuce andContinue reading “Garden View”
Happy Birthday Katie!
Oh, do you know what today is? It is my half-sister Katie’s birthday! She is 15 years old today! I haven’t been able to meet her yet, but I really want to see her as soon as possible. I’m sure she has a lot of things to teach me. Like what the first 15 yearsContinue reading “Happy Birthday Katie!”
Bath Time with Daddy
Daddy gave me a bath today. I think he did a pretty good job. There were slightly fewer tears. He had a good teacher (Mommy), he had a good subject (me), and he has bigger hands which makes the whole process a lot easier. He was also quite fast, so that meant the bath waterContinue reading “Bath Time with Daddy”
Good morning!
It is a very good morning. I had a good sleep, 4 and 5 hours between feeding, so I woke up in a pretty good mood. Even better, Mommy and Daddy woke up well rested. They both woke up to feed me. Daddy made my supplementary formula while Mommy breastfed me. I saw some goodContinue reading “Good morning!”
Long day
What a long day. It’s not easy being a baby. There is so much to do. No matter how tough it is, I am loving the fact that we are doing it as a family. It is so much nicer at home than at the hospital. Today was my first full day at home andContinue reading “Long day”
Mood swings
In general, I think I’m a very good boy. I’m not very fussy and I don’t really give Mommy and Daddy a hard time. In fact, I think I’m quite even tempered. But my moods can change in an instant. One moment I can be quiet and peaceful and then I’m crying in an instant.Continue reading “Mood swings”
Bath Time
I’m not a big fan of bath time yet. I like being clean, but do I have go through a bath to do it? I don’t know what it is, but it is not very fun for me. Maybe it is being naked or being dunked in water or just everything put together. It isContinue reading “Bath Time”
I tried out my sling today. I’m not sure how I feel about it. It is a bit constricting, and you know how I feel about being constricted. I get to feel secure and be rocked, but I’m not sure whether I prefer that over just being in Mommy and Daddy’s arms. I know itContinue reading “Sling”
I see you
I mentioned before how Mommy and Daddy are always staring at me, right? Well, I give as good as I get. I stare at them a lot, too. As interesting as I am to them, they are equally interesting to me. They love watching me make weird facial expressions, but they don’t realize the strangeContinue reading “I see you”
Good Appetite
I have a very good appetite and can’t wait for feeding time. I am mainly breastfed, but have to supplement with formula. I usually suck that bottle dry in less than 30 seconds. Of course it isn’t a full bottle, just 20ml. But for me that 20ml has a big effect on when I getContinue reading “Good Appetite”
Another one of those videos where not much is going on. Apparently Mommy and Daddy took this video because of all the facial expressions I make when sleeping. I barely see any movement, but they insist that it is intriguing. You be the judge.
First night home
I would say the my first night home went well. I won’t lie to you, there were some tears (most of them mine), but I slept pretty well. I slept about 3 or 4 hours during the night, waking up when I got hungry. I was easy on Mommy and Daddy and did not fussContinue reading “First night home”
First day home
I think my first day home went very well. Sure, I cried a bit, and of course there were a lot more diaper changes than Mommy and Daddy had anticipated, but all in all the day went very smoothly and surprisingly quickly. Mommy and Daddy were just staring at me the whole day. Every littleContinue reading “First day home”