We arrived in Hawaii much earlier than scheduled and sped through passport control and customs. We got there so early that Nana and Papa were not there yet to meet us. So we went to meet them. I was so happy to see them! Although I was a bit embarrassed and played a little hardContinue reading “Arriving on Oahu”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Feeling good
I woke up without a fever and so did Daddy! What a relief! It was a tough few days but we survived and recovered! Mommy and Daddy finished most of our packing last night, but still had some last minute packing and cleaning up to do today. I was very good and played by myselfContinue reading “Feeling good”
Leaving for Hawaii
We got to the airport without any trouble and checked in quickly and smoothly. The international terminal does not have restaurants because it is undergoing renovations, so Daddy went to the convenience store to pick up dinner for us. When he returned he found me crying. I was obviously hangry and it had gotten toContinue reading “Leaving for Hawaii”
Feeling better
I woke up and still had a fever, but it was not as bad as before. I had a cough but it sounded worse than it was. Overall, I was feeling pretty good. But because of my flu and had to stay home from school. Not a bad thing because that meant I could playContinue reading “Feeling better”
The flu
My fever was still with me when I woke up and I had a cough as well. Naturally I stayed home and Daddy stayed home with me because he had been feeling a bit under the weather as well the past couple of days. I was feeling alright, but just really tired. I was wellContinue reading “The flu”
Double decker bus ride to fever
Today was off to a good start since I had a very nice double decker bus ride on Daddy’s shoulders. School was great too! We had fun checking out the new displays in the elevator hall. But after lunch I came down with a fever. Mommy was called and by the time she picked meContinue reading “Double decker bus ride to fever”
Good start with ginko leaf
I knew today would be a good day because I found an awesome ginko leaf on the way to school and I was so happy! I was right. It was a good day. On our way to the park we saw a police car! It was so cool! When we got to the park weContinue reading “Good start with ginko leaf”
New backpack
We had to shop for a new backpack for me. The one I have is very small and I have had it since I was one year old. When shopping, Mommy and Daddy assumed I would pick out a car or train backpack. There were some pretty cool Tomica backpacks. But then I saw theContinue reading “New backpack”
I got a double-decker bus ride to school today! Always a great way to start the day. On our walk today we visited the ducks at the park just to say hello. And we stopped to check out some pretty flowers. After dinner tonight I got to eat a special snack that Daddy brought homeContinue reading
Car maintenance
I just finished putting together my car today, but it is never too early to do some car maintenance.
Japan Christmas party
Before we left for Hawaii, we had a Japan Christmas party with Jiiji, Baaba, and Obachan. I was very excited and in a very playful, and quite silly, mood. We got right to the good stuff and opened presents! I got so many cute and cool things! I was so happy and thankful! Mommy andContinue reading “Japan Christmas party”
Banana juice
We went out for breakfast today and I think I ate more than Mommy and Daddy did. I also ordered a very tasty banana juice. It was a super yummy way to start the day. I finished so quickly that I had to wait a bit for Mommy and Daddy so I took in aContinue reading “Banana juice”
Getting dressed by myself
I’ve actually been able to get dressed by myself for a while now, I just prefer to have Mommy and Daddy dress me. But for some reason I felt a little independent today, so I got dressed on my own.
Last haircut of the year
I needed to get a haircut before we headed to Hawaii. Daddy is getting better and better at cutting my hair so it actually didn’t take very long this time. And I didn’t cry or fuss or anything. Mommy and Daddy made sure to brush off or vacuum up any itchy hair. Looking good! WhatContinue reading “Last haircut of the year”
Costco dinner
We had to go shopping at Costco and ended up staying later than we intended so we just had dinner there. They had these new fried cheese balls that were very yummy. But I also ate a large portion of Daddy’s hot dog. It was a surprisingly good dinner. I also picked up a newContinue reading “Costco dinner”
Monster at the park
We went to the park this afternoon and I started off with my usual construction vehicle fun in the sandbox. It is getting hard to play there because of all the cat poo we find there. They are really messing up my construction site. After playing in the sand I played on the slide aContinue reading “Monster at the park”
Christmas Recital
Today we had our Christmas recital! We had been practicing for a very long time and the day was finally here. Mommy and Daddy were not sure how I would do. In previous years I cried from the large crowd and did not want to participate. Even at our sports day in the fall, IContinue reading “Christmas Recital”
Fueling up for tomorrow’s recital
I ate a really good lunch at school. Mommy and I had a nice dinner at one of my favorite restaurants. And Daddy brought dessert home for me. Yum! Now I have enough fuel for tomorrow’s recital.
Double-decker bus out of gas
I like riding my double-decker bus on the way to school. But sometimes my bus runs out of gas and needs a rest. After all, it is a 46-year-old bus.