English, Christmas tree, police car maneuvers

We had another fun English lesson today! After seeing the photo of me during the English lesson I realized that I have to improve my posture. Slouching makes me look very uninterested even though I really enjoy the English lessons. We also decorated the Christmas tree in the elevator hall of our building. I planContinue reading “English, Christmas tree, police car maneuvers”

Frog rockets

It was a rainy day today so we stayed indoors. Our teachers showed us how to make frog rockets out of paper cups and rubber bands. It was fun to make and fun to watch the frogs jump. Update: I showed Mommy and Daddy how the frog rockets worked at a later date.

Changing seasons

We noticed on our walks that the leaves on trees has been changing lately. They are turning yellow, orange, or red. And the weather is getting colder. I guess autumn is here for good and we are moving into winter. The weather, while cool, is very comfortable for running around in the park.

Long walk

We had quite a long walk today. We walked through the park and checked in on the ducks as usual. We went to the observatory floor in the prefectural office and looked at all the vehicles far below. And we checked out the sumo exhibit in the prefectural office as well.