At home

The walks to and from school have been a bit cold, but I bundle up in my jacket and sometimes double jackets to stay warm.

I got home and started to play, but realized that the carpet needed some cleaning so I took the sticky roller to it to give my cars a clean city to drive in.

And then there were traffic accidents and construction that caused a major traffic jam. A common occurrence in my city.

Back at school

It was my first day back to school in 2025 and I was really happy to see my friends and teachers. But I was also a little sad not to be with Mommy and Daddy. I got so used to spending all day with them for so many days. This morning at school I got sad and said that I wanted Mommy. My teachers were there for me and I was feeling better again in no time. Then I went on to have a great day at school. I told my teachers a lot about our trip to Hawaii and all the great times we had with family. (I may have left out the bits about my tantrums and misbehavior)

We went to visit the prefectural office today and we could see so many things from the observation deck. We even spotted planes and trains from up there.

On Tuesday we went to the park and had a great time running around and playing cops and robbers. It was so nice to have my friends to play with!

We also had gymnastics class. I’ve been an active participant these past few months and have been doing very good.

Nice to be home

It was great to see family and be in Hawaii, but it is also really nice to be home. I got to play with all my toys and got to relax with Mommy and Daddy. Usually when returning from Hawaii we have to go back to work and school the following day, but this time we have a full day to recover. We woke up a little later than usual and took it pretty easy. We didn’t have any big plans, just stocking up on food again and getting acclimated to Japan time and Japan winter weather.

One food that we were craving was sushi so we went to a sushi restaurant for lunch. I ate a lot of my favorite, ikura.

It was fairly sunny, although cold, so it was nice driving weather. I took my Mercedes out for a spin.

After picking up groceries, Daddy made sure to get Mommy her special Starbucks treat. Mommy of course shared with me.

Since the winter weather was chilly, I asked to soak in the tub during botcha instead of just taking my usual shower. It also made sense since Daddy has been fighting a cold.

It was a great recovery day. I could have a lot of time to relax and play at home before we got back to the grind of school and work.

Heading home to Japan

It was a nice long visit, but it went by way too fast. I had a lot of fun and was very happy to see everyone, which might not have been apparent from my behavior. I have to apologize for the tantrums I threw and the trouble I caused. I am working on improving and I know that our next visit will be much better.

Today was our last day on Kauai, and this is the day I chose to be super friendly and playful with my cousins. With all the time we had that I spent being grumpy and misbehaving, I chose the last couple of hours to be the good little boy that I know I can be. Well, better late than never.

After a very nice send off from Maile and Lauren, we said our goodbyes and headed to the airport. Everything went very smoothly and we were checked in in no time.

I was in a pretty good mood, but did not want to take a picture alone with Nana and Papa. I was still very attached to Daddy as I have been this whole trip.

But I did thank them properly and give them loving hugs and awesome high fives.

We got through security without any problems and were officially on our way home.

The short flight from Lihue to Honolulu was over in no time. We landed and picked up some sandwiches to supplement the spam musubi that Nana and Papa made for us. We were all fed and ready for the next flight.

The flight to Japan was very long, about 11 hours. But I was very well behaved and we had no problems. I watched some shows on the entertainment system, but mainly stuck to the iPad. Not only did I have videos and games that Daddy had downloaded for me, but we had WiFi on the flight as well. So I could watch a few shows that we hadn’t downloaded in advance. I dozed off here and there, but for the most part I entertained myself. I chatted with Daddy and read some books too. I ate all the meals that were provided. I also was very thankful that I’m completely potty trained because even though I was wearing diapers, I can’t imagine getting my diapers changed in the tiny little lavatories on the airplane. The spam musubis and snack that we packed kept me fueled and satisfied. Before we knew it we were landing in Fukuoka.

It was quite cold so we broke out the down jackets after we got our luggage and then took a taxi home.

Once home I wasted no time playing with my toys that I had been missing for these two weeks.

We ate dinner, took a bath, and then fell asleep quite quickly when it was time for bed. It was a long trip, but I handled it like pro. I went to sleep with a lot of great memories of our trip to Hawaii.

Thank you Nana and Papa for making our visit so pleasant and awesome! Thank you Maile, Lauren, Aunty Chris, and Uncle Matt for your patience with me during my tantrums and mood swings! I really really was happy to see everyone! I can’t wait to see you all again! Sending much love from Japan!

Time to sleep. Oyasumi!

The day after

I woke up in a good mood today and decided to keep it going by staying in bed with Mommy and Daddy to watch TV. After a while I got hungry and emerged from the bedroom. Although I did bring the container of grapes to the bedroom with every intention of eating breakfast there.

Eventually I was convinced to eat breakfast in the dining room and I sat there with Daddy. I ate a fairly good meal and then went right to playing.

Mommy had to do some omiyage shopping so we went to Target in the morning. I like going to Target because there are speed bumps in the parking lot and a lot of cool things to see in the store. I recognized the different things we had bought previously, like snacks and diapers. Then going around the store in the shopping cart I asked Daddy to find some speed bumps so he rolled the shopping cart over any bumps he could find.

Next we had to go to another store to finish up our shopping but Daddy brought me to get smoothies for Mommy and me. After we finished shopping he dropped us off at home and then he and Papa went to pick up our lunch. At home I was having a ball playing with Mommy. I was being very creative as we pretended to shop. At one point I turned Mommy into a parfait.

After lunch it was time to say goodbye to Aunty Chris and Uncle Matt who were going on a mini trip. I acted very mean and even tried to hit Uncle Matt. Daddy got very angry with me and I threw another tantrum. It took a long time for me to come around and finally apologize, alhtough by that time the person I was supposed to apologize to was not there. I had a long talk with Daddy. I promised that I would be a good boy and I would be nice. I promised not to hit or be mean. I have said these things before, and would like to believe that this time it will be true.

After some playing and snack time, Mommy and Daddy went to go get drinks just the two of them. I was not happy about it at first, but then remembered that I should try to be nicer and not be selfish. Then I was very supportive of them. I told them that I would watch from the window leave and wave goodbye. I did exactly that.

I had a great time playing with Nana while Mommy and Daddy were gone. Nana and Papa do a very good job taking care of me on their own. I had to go potty and pooped. At first I said I wanted Mommy or Daddy to wipe for me, but Nana explained that it would be a long time. Eventually I came around and let them wipe my butt for me instead of waiting for Mommy and Daddy to come home.

We had a fun time playing all over the house and coincidentally we were playing near the window when Mommy and Daddy came home. I told Nana that they were home and was all smiles as I waved to them. It was nice to have them home.

I immediately asked Daddy to go catch lizards with me. Lauren joined us and although it took a long time we caught three. Papa showed me a lot of bugs and worms in his compost heap. At one point I was being silly and called Lauren and big lizard and try to catch her in the net. Then I tried to catch the soccer ball in the net, calling it a pill bug tucked up into a ball. Later I asked Daddy to push me around on the scooter. Then it started getting dark so we had to go in.

I watched TV as Daddy rested. His cold was wearing on him. We had a nice dinner and then I had my usual dessert. I sat on the chair watching TV and eating my dessert while Daddy napped next to me. When it was time to take a bath I insisted that Daddy bathe me so we woke him up and he gave me my bath.

We played with some little cars after my bath. I made a whole scenario where they were trying to go shopping but there was a traffic jam because of the construction going on. Then when the traffic jam cleared my car went to the store and I said, “Oh no! Target is closed. We cannot shop here.” So then my car went to Costco instead.

I checked with Daddy about heading back to Japan tomorrow. And he confirmed that we were indeed heading back home tomorrow. I asked about where home was on a tiny little globe ball but Daddy decided to show me on the big globe. I noted where Japan and Hawaii was on the globe and discussed our flight path with Daddy, using my mini cars as models.

Before long it was time for my bedtime routine. As usual I was surprisingly hyper and in a really good mood. When it was bedtime I was fast asleep in no time.

Happy New Year!

My new year did not start off so happy. I woke up in a mood and made it very apparent to everyone. I was told that I have to behave better and if I act selfish I would be alone. So I ended up alone. I was brooding and moping but no one engaged me until I realized how I was behaving badly and apologized.

After that we all went out to breakfast and I behaved much better. I told Daddy that I remember being there before and he reminded me that we did not spend much time in the restaurant because I had thrown a tantrum and he took me outside. I said that I remembered. Then I started looking at all the different decorations and noticed fish, turtles, and skin divers. I had a nice conversation with Daddy before our food arrived. When our food got there I ate really well. I ate a fruit cup, croissant and almost all of Daddy’s scrambled eggs. After the morning’s tantrum I was both famished and trying hard to be a good boy.

After breakfast we went for our traditional lighthouse visit. It was pretty interesting. The waves were really interesting and so were the tide pools. We had to take a bunch of pictures, but it was worth it. We got a bunch of good shots.

When we got back home we had to clean up the house to get ready for the New Year’s Day party we were going to have at night. I did my part by cleaning up my toys and then staying out of the way.

Since we had a late breakfast we kind of only snacked for lunch. That was just right for me. I prefer eating small light meals several times a day instead of big meals three times a day.

Realizing that we didn’t have much time left in Hawaii we decided to fit in one more beach visit. Same as before, once I got there I couldn’t wait to get into the water. It was late in the afternoon and a bit chilly, but I thought that was the fun part. I rode the boogie board this time and had a great time. Even when I got splashed in the face with the seawater I just brushed it off and continued to have a ball in the water.

When we got home we saw that some of our New Year’s party guests were already arriving. We took quick shower and went out to start the party. For me that meant stay far away from the guests and playing with Daddy in the hallway. We were pretending to drive up and down the hallway and played away from everyone for some time. We were cars who kept getting dirty and had to go to the carwash, the bathroom, to get washed up.

When people started eating I finally joined in and enjoyed the delicious food. I made comments like, “Oh, so yummy!” and “It is delicious!” Then I started playing with a little girl. She had finished her dinner and started running around the house and I joined her even though I wasn’t finished with my dinner. We had a great time! I was a great playmate for the most part, but then I started acting selfish. I locked myself in the bedroom and wouldn’t let anyone inside, but I wanted people to try and come inside.

I was told not to play in the bedrooms and then I got a bit grumpy. I started playing garbage trucks with Daddy, where we picked up cushions, the garbage, and delivered them to the garbage dump, the bathroom. We were having fun on our own until the little girl tried to take my cushions and then I acted selfish, grumpy, and mean.

There were some group games that I tried to participate in but I didn’t finish either. The first one I said was “too hard for me” and the second one I refused to follow the rules so Daddy removed me from the game.

We ended up watching TV in the family room for the rest of the night. One reason was because I wasn’t playing well with others and apparently Daddy was coming down with a cold and was not feeling his best.

When it was time to say goodbye I was better behaved. After that I went through my bedroom routine and was out like a light when we went to bed. It was not a great start to the new year but I intend to be better this year, even though I’m sure I will have lapses where I am not the good boy that I know I can be. I will try my best.

Happy New Year everyone!

New Year’s Eve

I woke up in a good enough mood and wanted my usual fruits for breakfast. Daddy made a fruit parfait for me instead and I really enjoyed it. After eating breakfast I got ready without problem and then I was right to playing again.

I had fun playing with all my toys. I create worlds with my vehicles. I dragged Daddy into those worlds and we spent the morning in the living room.

Just around lunch time I started playing with the iPad. I wasn’t sure what I wanted for lunch so Daddy just pieced together a meal for me. First I started off with ham and cheese crackers. Then I had my leftover cheeseburger and finished it. It was a pretty good lunch.

After lunch we headed to the beach. I threw a bit of tantrum, suddenly saying that I didn’t want to go. Daddy said that was okay, but he was going. I tried to be bossy but Daddy said that I had a choice, but he had a choice to and he chose to go to the beach. I finally calmed down and apologized.

We went to the beach and I had a great time! I had so much fun in the water. I asked Daddy to make me swim over and over again. I also had fun jumping over and ramming into the waves. Actually, it was more like the wave was ramming into us. It was late in the afternoon so the water was a little cold and I started shivering.

So I moved up onto the beach to play in the sand. I warmed up a bit and had a small snack. I had fun playing with my construction vehicles and moving sand mountains and repairing cities.

After the beach we headed home and took a quick shower before we headed to a family friends’ house for a New Year’s Eve party. I fell asleep in the car and stayed asleep even after we arrived. Mommy and Daddy sat in the car with me until I woke up. All in all it was about an hour nap.

I was very shy at the beginning but started eating and ended up eating a lot. I ate fruits, meat, and rice. After eating several servings I finally was full and wanted to check out all the fireworks fun. I didn’t want to do any fireworks, but I had fun watching everything.

Even cooler than the fireworks was this car that a baby had. The baby was riding and “driving” it but it was remote controlled by his parents. Super cool!

After a while I was getting sleepy so we headed back. We got back home and I played a bit with my toys before my bedtime routine. After that I went through my usual bedtime routine and was asleep right after we finished everything. Apparently there was a lot of fireworks being set off at midnight but I did not notice. I slept through everything.

Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2025

Day 9

I woke up fairly early today. Earlier than others in the house. But maybe I woke up too early because I ended up in a bad mood and threw a couple morning tantrums.

First, I didn’t like the fact that everyone was eating breakfast together at the dining table. Usually we all eat separately which means I often get the dining room table to myself. I wasn’t prepared to share this morning so I threw a tantrum. Daddy took me into the bedroom until I came around. it took a while but I finally did come around. I apologized and then reemerged to join everyone for breakfast. By that time most people were done with breakfast and were clearing out.

I started to eat breakfast and did okay for a while. Daddy went to the bathroom and I followed him. Mommy tried to get me to come back to eat breakfast and I was mean to her and then I threw another tantrum. Sometimes there are things that I don’t go the way I see it in my head and that upsets me. This time Mommy stayed with me until I calmed down and apologized for treating her badly. I then ended up finishing my breakfast by myself with Mommy and Daddy sitting with me.

After breakfast I was in a much better mood. I even told Daddy that after breakfast I would brush my teeth and change my clothes and then play. Which is exactly what I did. I played in the living room with Daddy, Lauren, and my toys the whole morning.

Oh, and I also watched Papa mow the lawn.

When it was time for lunch Daddy placed an order for burgers for us and was going to just run out and pick them up on his own but I insisted on coming along, so I went for a ride with Daddy and Mommy. We got back and ate lunch and then played again.

Later Daddy offered to take Mommy to the farmers market to pick up more fruits and suggested that I stay home with Nana and Papa. Again, I insisted on coming along. So we made it a family trip. On the way Daddy let me check out the map on his phone and I noted all the different locations on our way to the farmers’ market. I spotted shopping places, a car dealership, and even a mechanics shop.

At the farmers’ market we picked up a couple of papayas and a pomelo at the farmers’ market.

It was about my snack time and I told Daddy that I was hungry. So we went in search of a snack and ended up getting smoothies for Mommy and me. I was really happy about the tasty smoothies. We had some at the store but then decided to head home to finish them.

We saw a cool Santa display so we decided to have a bit of a photo shoot.

We had our smoothies outside and went in search of lizards. We didn’t catch any. I guess all the lizards are more wary of us and hid really well when they saw us coming. Instead I played with the hula hoop a bit, pretending it was a steering wheel. Then I was a tractor and the hula hoop was my scoop to collect my crops, which happened to be corn. We went all over the yard collecting corn.

Before long it was time to get ready to go out for dinner. I did so without argument, finishing off my smoothie. I played around the house as everyone started to wash up and get dressed in nice clothes. Then I realized that I should get dressed to so I came bursting into the room asking to change. I got changed quickly and then was all over hte house playing again. I ended up very sweaty, but at least Iw as ready on time. We headed off to the restaurant.

When we got ot the restaurant we took a few family pictures at the beach and then took our seats.

After placing our orders Maile and Lauren headed back to the beach to take photos and I followed with Daddy in tow. I told Daddy that I wanted to run around in the sand, which he said was okay. I told Daddy that I wanted to go into the water, which he said we couldn’t. We would have to come back in the day time in our swimwear. I had fun just wandering round in the sand and checking in on my cousins here and there. At one point I was playing with them by tossing sand on their feet. It started getting dark so we headed back to our table.

After washing my hands we went to the table and I helped Mommy eat her salad. Then our food and drinks came and I dug right in. My fresh fruits were fmy favorite part of the meal and I wiped it out right away. I ate a good portion of my cheeseburger as well.

After a lovely dinner we headed home. In the car I laid out the plan for Daddy. i told him that I would have dessert, play, then take a bath, play some more, then read books, brush my teeth, and watch my projector stories before going to bed. And I did just that. As usual I was in a wonderful moood in bed with Mommy and Daddy, all smiles and playfulness. I went to bed without problem and was asleep very quickly.

The day had a rough start, but ended up being really fun. I hope I can make it through tomorrow without any tantrums or trouble.


I woke up all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. I was all smiles. It was very pleasant for Mommy and Daddy to wake up to a smiley face. I was also quite well behaved. I ate my breakfast without problem and even asked, “After finish eat breakfast and get dressed, can I play?” The answer was of course, yes.

First we went outside to find some lizards, which took some time, but we ended up finding three small ones, which made me very happy. I like catching the lizards and talking to them in the box. Of course, I alway make sure to let them go.

While Daddy worked on our Christmas card, I played outside with Lauren and Mommy. I had fun riding the kickboard scooter around and around the patio. I even had a route where I would go around once, park, and then get off. I repeated this many times.

After playing outside for a long time I came in to drink some juice and watch some TV. I looked very content with my mug and in my (Nana’s) bedroom slippers.

I had a quesadilla for lunch, which I liked, but then claimed was too spicy. I ate about a fourth of it and then was full. (Later I finished another fourth, so I guess it wasn’t as spicy as I thought.)

After lunch we had to go shopping and I specifically asked Maile to join us. We had a bit of fun before we headed out.

Then I was a little bossy to her and did not appear thrilled to have her shopping with me. Everyone wondered why I asked her to come if I wasn’t going to be nice to her. But overall everyone seemed to have fun shopping especially when they found the things that they were looking for. They even picked up some Starbucks. We brought home a pink drink for Lauren which she generously shared with me.

After the refreshment time I played with Daddy. We made multiple scenarios for my cars were they were in trouble and emergency vehicles had to come and rescue them. I had a few bossy moments but I took some time and then recovered by apologizing and playing nicer. I was quite well behaved again today without any tantrums.

Lauren was looking for things to draw so I made a couple of requests and she ended up making these awesome drawings/paintings for me! So cool!

At dinner time I ate a good amount, but not as much as when we had lamb or kalbi. I ate just enough. I claimed that I was full, but when I was told that I couldn’t have dessert unless I finished everything on my plate I was able to finish everything.

We were invited to visit the house of a friend of Nana’s because she had tons of Christmas trees up in her house. I fell asleep on the drive up, but woke up in a good enough mood and enjoyed seeing all the Christmas trees. Lauren counted 57 trees and they were all lit up and decorated differently. They were quite pretty!

On the ride home I had a fun time looking at Papa’s phone’s map. I followed our GPS location and noted nearby landmarks like gas stations and traffic signals as they popped up on the map. I also asked a lot of questions about symbols and locations that I saw. It was a very fun and educational conversation.

And of course I got some dessert when we got home.

When we got home I had my dessert and went right to playing. It was late so after playing for the agreed upon time I took a bath and then played the agreed upon time before reading books, brushing teeth, and going to bed. After my projector stories I went right to sleep. Another wonderful day in paradise!

Oh, but Mommy was so tired that I had to drag her to bed. What a good son!

Posing in my sleep.

One week in Hawaii

It has been one week since we got to Hawaii and time is flying by way too fast. I woke up this morning to some Japanese pancakes that Daddy made for everyone. I was really excited about it when he asked everyone yesterday if we wanted them. Even though the question was addressed to everyone else I adamantly stated repeatedly, “Mason want pancakes. Mason want pancakes.” And after all that I only ate like two small pancakes. Again, fruits were the main part of my breakfast.

After getting ready after breakfast we headed to the farmers’ market. I wasn’ t as excited as I usually am, but I was convinced to go because of the pineapple frosty that we always get there. After getting it right after arriving at the farmers’ market I was glad we made the trip because it was totally worth it.

It started raining just as we were leaving the market. When we got home I watched the rain from inside. There was light rain and heavy rain and then no rain. And then it rained again. Daddy said that there might be a chance that we see a rainbow because it was raining but there were sunny parts as well. Unfortunately we didn’t see any rainboys. I said, “Too bad we didn’t see any rainbows.”

At home we played all over the place. We played inside, we played outside, we played with toys, we made up our own games. Just a lot of playing all around. After so much playing we needed some quiet time so we went to the bedroom to watch some more of a movie again.

We were watching Totoro and there was a seen where the characters were flying and mentioned to Daddy that I can’t fly. But if I wanted to fly I could take off my arms and replace them with wings. Then I would be able to fly. Daddy pointed out that if I had wings instead of arms it would be harder to do other things like eat or play. I said that I would switch back to arms again.

We had pizza bites that Lauren made for lunch. They were very yummy! I told Daddy that they were a little spicy but I liked them a lot!

After lunch it was back to playing all over the place. We played indoors. We played outdoors..We caught lizards again. I saw an old dollhouse that we were giving away and decided to play with it one more time right there in the patio.

But of course, there were not happy moments too. I’m still having very bad mood swings.

We played with my beach toy contruction cars but we didn’t have anything to scoop, haul, or dump. So Daddy got me some marbles to play with to replace the sand. We did a. lot of scooping, hauling, and dumping. When it was time ot play inside again, I brought the construction vehicles and beach toys inside and played inside as well.

I drove a hula hoop a bit too.

Later Daddy said that I could play on the iPad a bit since I hadn’t had any screen time all day. I played for a bit until Daddy said he was going to go outside to help Papa barbecue dinner. I wanted to go outside too and played a bunch with Lauren. We made a workout routine by doing pullups and then running to the other clothesline and the returning to repeat. It was more of a workout for Daddy because he had to pick me up to help me do the pullups. I found a hula hoop and made it into my steering wheel. Nana played city driving with me and told me what color the traffic lights were and I would stop and go according to the lights.

When Papa finsihed cooking the meat on the barbecue I announced to everyone, “Dinner is ready,” but everyone was very slow to get to the table. I was so hungry that I couldn’t wait. I was waiting and waiting at teh dinner table. I even had to sneak a bite before grace. When everyone got there we had a very good dinner. I ate three pieces of meat, even more than Mommy! It was very delicous and I made sure to tell Papa that.

After I finished my dinner I had some dessert again. I’ve been very good at eating my ice cream cones and don’t spill at all.

We went back to playing with my toys until it was bath time. Then I hopped in the bath and went back to playing until it was book time.

Then I read my books, brushed my teeth, watched my projector stories and went to bed. For some reason I am very energetic and playful at bedtime and I was goofing around with Mommy a lot. I was teasing her and making her laugh a lot. But when it was time to sleep I went right to sleep. It had been another great fun, but tiring, day. I can’t wait for tomorrow.


As usual, I woke up in a very good mood this morning. I had asked Papa for donuts for breakfast, but I only ate half of it. I mainly ate grapes and bananas for breakfast.

After eating breakfast I got ready and played with all of my toys. Daddy had to do some shopping and I said that I wanted to go to so we headed off to the store. I was happy to see there were quite a few speed bumps in the parking lot and Daddy went over every one that he could find. After shopping Daddy hit all the speed bumps again on the way back.

Daddy’s high school friends came over for a reunion today. In the past years I had mixed feeling about these reunions. The first one I experience was a bit of a blur because I was too small to really know what was going on. Last year’s one was not enjoyable for me because I didn’t know how to share and I felt that all my toys were being taken away from me, especially my new Christmas toys, even though the little boy visiting was just borrowing them to play with temporarily. Still, for me who was not good at sharing, it was not fun. So leading up to this reunion Daddy prepared me for what was going to happen, what may happen, and what he expected of me.

In summary, I did great! I was. very gracious host and shared almost all my toys openly. There were a few of my favorite toys that I set aside just for me so that the other little boys didn’t mistakenly play with them. I even put a car in my pocket to make sure it was with me the whole time. I was just a very good boy. Not only did I let the little boys play with my toys but I actually interacted with them and played with them a bit. We shared toys, intertwined our play styles, and were right there together having fun. I have to admit that I enjoyed playing with the little boys and Daddy.

When it was lunch time I was really excited about the huge sandwich that I shared with Daddy. Not only was it huge, but it was also very delicious! I heartily ate my share of the sandwich.

As people finished lunch they started to trickle outside to play in the wading pools and play with the water balloons. I was in a very good mood and decided to go outside and play with Lauren. I had a great time playing in the water and throwing my share of water balloons. Daddy was inside talking to his friends, but I had Mommy to play with and watch over me. Lauren and her friend were also very sweet and were very nice and generous to me.

After playing outside in the sun for so long it was getting a bit hot but Nana brought out the juice pops and they really hit the spot. We all enjoyed our icy treats.The best thing was that even though they dripped, we didn’t have to worry about making a mess because we were outside.

Before long it was time for Daddy’s friends to go. I was actually sad to see them go. I had a lot of fun with them and can’t wait to see them again next year. I even insisted on seeing the little boys off when they left.

I hadn’t expected it, but I got a present from one of the boys for our Christmas gift exchange. He got me a couple of awesome Lego sets and some HotWheels monster trucks! Thank you! They were so cool! Mommy and Daddy had to do some grocery shopping for dinner, so Aunty Chris and Lauren helped put my Lego sets together and played with me. I was very well behaved while Mommy and Daddy were gone. I played nicely with Aunty Chris and Lauren. When I had some grapes for snack I even generously offered some to Lauren without any prompting or anything.

When Mommy and Daddy got back, Mommy got right to cooking and I asked Daddy to play with me. I showed him my new toys and we had a fun time playing with them. After a while we went to watch some TV in the bedroom and Lauren came to join us. We watched TV until it was dinner time.

I ate a good dinner. I especially like the rice noodle salad that Mommy made and I told her repeatedly. After dinner I had some dessert. Daddy got a special whipped cream treat for me and sprayed it right in my mouth! But I didn’t want any on my ice cream.

After my dessert we played some more with my toys. We had quite a story going with multiple bad characters and good characters. The bad cars were wrecking the town and the police cars and fire trucks had to both fix the town and capture the bad cars.

When it was bed town I happily went through my bedtime routine, eager to get to my projector stories at the end. Today I requested two stories! They are so fun. After the stories I went right to sleep. It was a long fun day. Everyone was very proud how good of a boy I was. There were no tantrums and no problems sharing either. It was a good day.

Day after Christmas

I woke up after a nice long rest and the only thing I wanted to do was play. Mommy and Daddy had a hard time getting me to sit down and eat, but eventually I did, although it was a small breakfast.

After eating breakfast I got changed and washed up and went right back to playing with all my new Christmas toys. It was like Christmas morning all over again.

I watched my new story projector a bit. It was very cool! Later I even showed Daddy how to operate it and project the stories.

I had some time on Daddy’s phone while everyone cleaned up and put away the Christmas decorations. The house was a little less festive without the decorations but I didn’t miss it too much.

Papa asked me if I wanted to go with him to the garbage dump to drop off the Christmas tree and I said yes. I saw so many vehicles on the way. I saw helicopters, airplanes, excavators, trucks, and even a crashed car. There were so many vehicles for me to see. It was a nice little trip.

We got home and I was playing with Mommy while Daddy was working on getting me some lunch. When Daddy came home I had been in tears but was recovering and felt a lot better after I ate my cheeseburger kids meal.

After lunch it was back to playing with my many new toys.

I spotted Nana using her iPad so I politely asked if I could play too. She checked with Mommy and Daddy and we got the go ahead, so we started to play on her iPad. Nana wanted to get up to get a snack but I wouldn’t let her because I wanted her to stay seated next to me. Then she mentioned something about cookies. So I let her get up and get a cookie if she got one for me as well. The cookie was very yummy, but quite crumbly. I was covered in crumbs after I ate. And my fingers were covered in crumbs too. I quickly ran out of clean fingers to operate the iPad so I ended up having to use my pinky.

Lauren had set up the small wading pool outside so I went out to join her. It was a small pool, but a nice comfy size for the two of us. We played with buckets, balls, and toy trucks. Then we started having fun with the hose as well. It was a lot of fun!

Mommy and Daddy went out with Aunty Chris and Uncle Matt for a bit, but I was fine being home with Nana, Papa, and my cousins. When it was time to come in from the pool I did so without trouble. Papa gave me a bath and I was all fresh and clean in no time.

When Mommy and Daddy came home, we went for a walk with Lauren and Maile. Lauren was in her shark onsie again, which made the walk a little surreal. This time I walked the whole way until I tripped and scraped my knee. Then I got carried a little bit.

After we got back we caught a couple more lizards again and I carried them around like pets again. I like having these tiny little pets. They may not be as cuddly as puppies, but it is still pretty nice.

After it started getting dark we went back into the house and played for a while until it was dinner time.

At dinner I ate pretty well, with some encouragement of knowing that there was dessert at the end. At one point I said that I was full, then Daddy told me that I was too full to have dessert. I told him that I am full for food but not full for dessert. It sounded very familiar to the Japanese phrase, “Amai mono betsu bara” which translates to “Sweet things have a separate stomach”. I ended up eating everything on my plate and then eating a juice popsicle that Lauren made for dessert.

After dinner I played Tomica with Daddy until it was time to get ready for bed. Then without complaint I went through my bedtime routine. Daddy added watching a story on my new mini projector to the end of my bedtime routine and I was really happy about that. Then I fell fast asleep. It was another wonderful full and fun day.

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! I woke up earlier than usual because I knew it was Christmas morning. Waking up early did not put me in the best of moods, so I was disagreeable to taking pictures in front of the Christmas tree (except for with Mommy and Daddy), but I was eager to open presents. So we just skipped to that part.

We first started off with stocking stuffers. It is kind of like appetizers for presents.

Then it was on to the main event. It was over in no time.

I was very happy with all the great presents I received. Thank you everyone for all the awesome gift!

After opening my gifts I started playing with them right away. There were a lot of cool things to dive into.

And then I found my way back to Santa’s present, since it was already set up and ready to play with.

We all headed out to a restaurant for Christmas morning brunch. The Christmas decorations were really pretty and Lauren helped me get a better view of them.

I enjoyed it a lot. I had plate after plate of fresh fruits. They were very sweet and delicious. I also really liked the bread rolls they had there. I had three of them.

In the middle of breakfast we went to feed the koi in the pond. It was very fun! The fish seemed to be as hungry as I was.

After breakfast I had a full belly and I was in a pretty good mood, so we managed to get a couple of nice photos.

When we got home I saw that we had some water balloons and decided to go outside and play with some. It was a lot of fun just throwing the water balloons all over the yard. After throwing them around I did a good job cleaning up.

After playing with water balloons I went lizard hunting with Lauren and after not being able to find any we hung out in the hammock for a bit.

Then it was time to go back inside and play with my new toys. One of them was a wall crawling car which was really surprising. It actually climbed the walls! Incredible!

I also had fun playing with my new race track. At first I just wanted to push the cars around manually like my normal HotWheels but I then saw the fun in using the throttles and racing them around the track. I even made my own scenario where the police car was chasing down the speeding car and it followed it around the track.

We all had such a big brunch that we skipped lunch, but I started getting hungry so I had a snack in bed while watching a movie. It was a fun relaxing time with Mommy and Daddy.

After the movie finished I went off to play some more. I played with my cars, I played outside, I played all over the place.

I wanted Daddy to play with my Lego firetruck so I asked Daddy to make it. Daddy got down to putting it together and when he finished it I was really happy! I even brought it to dinner with me.

After dinner I played outside with Lauren a bit. She showed me how to use the kickboard scooter. It was so cool! I wanted to learn how to do the same right away, but I knew it would take some practice. I started off slow.

Lauren was trying to boogie board on the lawn and that looked like fun so I gave it a go. I was pretty fun but I had a few wipeouts.

We all went for a walk around the block to work off some calories from dinner. Also we wanted to make some room for dessert.

After dessert I wanted Daddy to play with me but I wasn’t being very nice. I was about to have a tantrum but took some time and calmed myself down and apologized to Daddy on my own.

Daddy suggested I take a shower to get clean and feel better so that we could play after. I did exactly that.

Daddy put together the rest of my Lego fire truck and I discovered how cool it was. It was more than just fire truck! It had a robot and a drone and they had water cannons that shot! Awesome!

I read a couple of my new books at book time and went right to sleep. It had been a very long but wonderful Christmas day. Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you had the best day!

Christmas Eve

I woke up in a good mood again today and went straight to playing. I wouldn’t even sit down to eat breakfast. Eventually, Mommy and Daddy got some fruits and cheese in me, but they had to chase me around and put the food right into my hands.

While playing I heard that Nana and Papa were going to go shopping and I then I said that I wanted to go for a car ride. So I went along with them. Mommy and Daddy tagged along too. I had fun shopping with them. There were a lot of cool cars to see and a fun speed bumps to go over.

When we got home and I started playing again. I was having a good day until I decided to have a tantrum again. I wanted something to drink from the refrigerator, but I wouldn’t ask nicely for it. I cried, grunted, and tried to force my way into the refrigerator, but I didn’t just ask nicely. The tantrum was not one of my big ones, but it was definitely a tantrum. In the end I finally gave in and calmed down enough to just ask nicely and then I got my drink.

I had a very good lunch and ate a lot, but insisted on sitting in Mommy’s lap.I was feeling bad about how I treated her during my previous tantrum. After finishing lunch we all decided to go to the beach. I was running around and playing with Lauren as Mommy and Daddy finished up lunch and got my beach stuff ready.

When we got to the beach I saw the water and told Daddy, “Let’s go in the water!” I was so excited! I was all smiles as we stepped into the ocean. I was squealing with joy once I touched the chilly water. I had so much fun in the water!

After a while we headed to shore to play in the sand. I had some new beach toys that had a dump truck, bulldozer, and excavator in the set. I had a lot of fun playing with those. I was moving a lot of sand around.

Before I knew it, it was time to go, but I know I’ll be back again, probably sooner than later.

I fell asleep in the short car ride home. Daddy picked me up and carried me in. I stayed asleep as he took me into the shower to wash off the saltwater. After I cleaned up a bit and warmed up, I woke up and then had a proper shower.

After that I wanted to outside to play. So I went out to the hammock with Daddy and we relaxed a bit. I saw Papa outside and called him over to give us a swing.

Then we went looking for lizards again and caught a couple tiny ones. We put them in the bug box and I kept talking to them, saying “Hello.” Lauren came out to see my new pets and then we ended up playing in the hammock together. Then dinner was about to begin so we headed inside.

We had a few Christmas games before dinner and I won a cool little game that I didn’t understand, but enjoyed playing with all the same.

Then all of a sudden we heard bells jingling outside. I looked up and saw that Santa Claus had visited! I was very excited, but I tried to play it cool. Santa handed out gifts to Lauren and Maile and then it was my turn. He called me up and there were no tears or crying. I simply asked Daddy to carry me up there, which he did and placed me right on Santa’s lap. I smiled, accepted my present, and thanked Santa. Then he was off to make more present deliveries. He is a very busy man.

Everyone was very proud of me for going to sit on Santa’s lap. After the past few encounters with Santa, I think everyone expected me to cry or not go see him at all. It just goes to show how much I’ve grown up. (Or how far I’ll go to get a present.)

Santa knew exactly what I wanted and delivered. My Christmas toy is awesome! I wanted a specific Tomica ambulance and got exactly that along with the Tomica town set.

Papa made kalbi for dinner and it was delicious! I ate two whole pieces fo meat! I liked it so much that I had to compliment the chef and went over to Papa and told him, “Meat is yummy!”

And of course I had an ice cream cone for dessert.

After a tummy full of yummy meat I went back to playing with my new toys. I had a great evening!

Then there was talk about getting ready for bed, but I did not want to start getting ready even though I had agreed to 10 more minutes. I was having too good a day to let it end (and I was tired enough to not know how to express this appropriately.) I started to throw a tantrum again. I was arguing with Daddy and not listening to him and then I hit him. He left. I cried and cried and had time to myself to think about what I did. I finally apologized and then we started to get ready for bed. First I got changed and brushed my teeth and I had a few minutes to play. But I started a new tantrum with Mommy. Mommy was very patient with me and clearly drew the line. I was able to bring everything in under control and apologized and did what I was told. We ended up reading books together in bed and happily turning in for the night. It was another great day spotted with some not great moments, but I was overall very happy. I went to sleep in an instant, showing how tired I have been. I hope that tomorrow is a better day.

On Kauai

I had another nice long 12 hour sleep. I woke up in a daze. I wasn’t really sure where I was. The past couple days, every time I woke up I was in a different place. I called for Mommy and she came to get me but I wasn’t quite awake yet. I just chilled with Mommy for a while before I completely woke up. When I did I went over to see what Lauren and Nana were playing and joined them (and effectively took over).

Lauren and I were invited to help Papa deflate his and Nana’s air mattress. Mission accomplished.

Daddy cut up some fruit for me and when it was ready I sat down and ate breakfast. After I finished eating I got changed and washed up and started to play. I played inside and outside. There were a couple of times where I nearly had a tantrum but Daddy talked me down from it so I ended up being okay.

For lunch we had saimin and I ate really well. Once it was cooled I just dug in! It was so yummy!

After lunch I played with toys again and then played iPad with Lauren and Nana.

I was doing okay for a while until I started to be bossy and mean again. I was playing with Mommy and then got frustrated and hit her. I wouldn’t say sorry so Daddy took me into the bedroom. I refused to apologize so Daddy kept me in the bedroom until I apologized. I’ve been feeling so unstable lately. I have great moments where I’m the good little boy that everyone knows and loves, but I have been having these terrible tantrums that I can’t control. I don’t know why and it makes me sad that I don’t know why it happens and I don’t know what to do. It also makes me sad that my tantrums make others sad.

Daddy had to go to the bank with Papa and I wanted to go with him even though there was nothing fun or appealing about the bank. I ended up falling asleep in the car on the way to the bank. I woke up when we got there so Mommy carried me into the bank when we got there where I fell asleep in her arms. I stayed asleep until we left and I was put back in the car.

On the way home we bought some bananas and I had one in the car. That put me in a better mood. When we got home I played a lot outside. We started off in the hammock and then went running around the yard a bit. We even caught a lizard. I was so happy that I walked around with it in a bug box and kept saying, “Hello,” to it. I even brought it over to the window to show Nana. I was so happy to have a temporary pet lizard.

We went back inside and went for a walk around the house before settling in the bedroom to watch some TV. Later I emerged and help Nana with her games on her iPad.

We headed out for dinner and I was still in a pretty good mood. When we got to the restaurant I was in very good mood! I was well-behaved and ate a lot. When my food got there I just dug right in. I went for the rice first, then the macaroni salad, and then the chicken. Daddy shared his sweet potato fries with me too. I ended up playing under the table, coming up for bites of food. It was a really nice dinner that was filled with fun conversation and smiles. No crying or arguing at all. I was such a good boy.

After dinner Papa took us to pick up some ice cream for dessert at home. He made me an awesome ice cream come that I ate very well without spilling anything. I was so happy!

I played a little more before it was bath time. I wanted Mommy to give me a bath but then gave her a hard time, being bossy and difficult. Mommy asked me what I wanted her to give me a bath if all I was going to do was complain. I didn’t have a good answer for her. But we survived bath time and I had some more play time before book time. After my books I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed without trouble. Just when I was saying good night to Nana and Papa, guess who came home. Lauren, Maile, Aunty and Uncle came home from the movies so I could say good night to them as well. It was a nice end to a pretty good (not perfect) day.

Second day on Oahu

I woke up in a very good mood. I had a nice 12 hour sleep. There was a little tossing and turning, but overall it was a nice sleep.

Papa picked up some malasadas for breakfast. Daddy went to get coffee and milk and came back with coffee milk and Lauren. I was very happy to see her. I played with her while I ate breakfast.

After that I got ready and then we visited Papas room. We were happily surprised to find Maile there too. She was happy so see me and scooped me up. She and Lauren are strong enough to carry me.

Then it was time to get ready for lunch so we headed back to our room. We got ready and headed to lunch. There were so many relatives there that I was meeting for the first time that I was quite shy. I buried my face into Daddy’s shoulder and stayed like that for a while. Too many new people.

After we sat down and I ate lunch, I was in a much happier mood. I wasn’t necessarily going to greet all the relatives, but I was all smiles and laughter as I played with Lauren. I had so much fun my own little familiar world. I played with Nana a bit too.

I got to try on Nana’s bracelets and really liked the bling.

Before we knew it, our lunch was finished and it was time to go. We had a plane to catch. We had to head to Kauai. Even today I asked Daddy multiple times about when we were going to go to Nana and Papa’s house.

We took some family photos and then headed to the airport. I fell asleep in the car because I was tired from all the playing at lunch and I was still trying to catch up on my sleep after the long day of travel.

I woke up when we arrived at the airport. I was still tired and was clingy to Mommy. Then Lauren and family arrived at the airport and then I perked up and just started to hangout with Lauren. After checking in, getting through security, and settling at the gate, I watched a lot of airplanes and airport vehicles from the window. Then it was time to board.

For some reason, when we got on the plane and found our seats, I was not satisfied. I didn’t like the side of the plane that I was seated on so I started to complain and say that I wanted to change seats. Mommy and Daddy tried to explain to me that we couldn’t change seats because we were assigned seats and it was against the rules. But I was overtired and worked up and would not listen. I threw another massive tantrum. I cried uncontrollably and tried to get to another seat. Mommy and Daddy offered to switch with me, but I wanted one on the other side of the airplane. Or at least that is what I said. Who knows what I actually wanted. I was nearly hysterical. It was time to taxi out, so Mommy and Daddy had to force me into my seat and force my seatbelt on. It was the carseat situation from yesterday all over again. I kept trying to unbuckle my seatbelt, which is of course very dangerous and against the rules, so Mommy and Daddy had to physically restrain me in my seat. I went on and on, crying, yelling, grunting, not listening to anything at all. Daddy was very angry at me for not listening and trying to do something that was putting myself in danger. He threatened to cancel Christmas. I was running out of energy and tried to look for a way out. I finally said that I wanted to change seats with Mommy and sit in the middle seat, (which Daddy had suggested at the very beginning). Daddy said that I could change only if I promised to calm down and listen. I agreed. We switched as the plane was taxiing to the runway and I immediately stopped my tantrum. I stopped crying, stopped fighting. I asked for the snack that Daddy had offered at the beginning and munched on some biscuits as the plane took off. After my snack and some inflight juice and leaned over to rest my head on Mommy’s lap and fell asleep.

I was still asleep when the plane landed. Mommy carried me off and found a bench near the baggage claim to sit on while we waited for our luggage and waited for Papa to come back with the car. I slept all the way until Papa arrived with the truck. Then we finally went to Nana and Papa’s house which I had been waiting for this whole time.

At the house I was in a good mood again and played here and there before I took out the HotWheels and Lego to play. I played there for a bit until it was time to go to dinner. It was too soon for me, but I agreed. We went to a restaurant and I was good for a while, but then started to act up again. I wasn’t listening to Daddy and started to be bossy and mean. Daddy had to take me out of the restaurant to calm down but I did not. I threw yet another massive tantrum and hit Daddy many times. I was not behaving at all. I told Daddy to go away so he did then I ran after him crying. Daddy said that he would not talk to me until I started treating him nicely and apologized for hitting him. I directly said, “No!” so he stopped talking to me. He stayed with me but would not listen to my crying and whining. When I persisted he checked and asked me if I was going to apologize and I said, “I didn’t do anything,” which was a lie. He got very angry and would not talk to me until I came around and started telling the truth. It took a very long time but I finally said that I was sorry for hitting him and not listening and being mean. We hugged and returned to the restaurant, but Daddy was still very upset with me. We ate our dinners in silence. Everyone else had already finished so we were pretty much left alone.

I ate fairly well and then we headed home. When we got there I asked Daddy to play but he said he needed some time because he was still very upset with me. I was about to push to get what I wanted but thought better of it and by Mommy’s encouragement left Daddy alone. I played a bit around the house and then finally asked Mommy to play with me. We played with Lego until it was time for my bath. Daddy had given me a timeframe and I followed it obediently. I took a bath, read my books, brushed me teeth and then it was off to bed.

I was in a very happy mood just to be alone in a room with Mommy and Daddy. We cuddled and I fell asleep very quickly. It was another long day. There were so many great moments that were filled with smiles and laughter, but there were some unfortunate moments where my stubborn fits caused so much trouble. I would like to say it was from being overtired, jetlagged, and in a different envirionment, which were all true, but there might be other issues that I have to start dealing with to be a better little boy. Mommy and Daddy always love me, but I don’t always make it easy for them. Let’s home the more relaxing time at Nana and Papa’s house will make it easier for me to show everyone that I am in fact a very good boy.