Today I went to the doctor’s to get my first round of vaccinations. FOUR of them! Oh my! Three of those are shots and I heard that they hurt a lot. I am not really looking forward to this.

The doctor looked me over and listened to my chest with a stethoscope. So that was it, right? All done?
No such luck. The doctor was just giving me a quick checkup to make sure I was healthy enough to get the vaccinations. Apparently I was healthy enough to get three shots in my arms. Drat.
Today was a designated vaccination day at the hospital and there were several other babies there. They looked all cute and happy in the waiting room, then their names were called, I heard bloodcurdling cries, and then they emerged from the emergency room in tears. I was not looking forward to these shots.
But, it was also a bit of a wait, so I got bored and fell asleep.

By the time my name was called, I was enjoying a deep sleep in Mommy’s arms. Boy did I get a rude awakening. Before I knew it, the nurse had jabbed me in the arm with the shot.

Naturally, I started crying, but it wasn’t over yet. Still, two more to go. I got turned around, because they obviously didn’t want to deprive my right arm of the puncturing pain. Then *jab* *jab*, two more shots.
I was in so much pain that I cried and… stopped. That shocked all of us. I’m sure that for a split second Mommy and Daddy thought that I had passed on from the pain, but I didn’t. I just handled the pain and prioritized going back to sleep.
The last vaccination was an oral one and the nurse was planning to give me a few minutes to calm down before she administered it, even suggesting we wait out in the waiting room until I was ready, but to all of our surprise I stopped crying. Not even 10 seconds had passed and I had stopped crying and was asleep again. I wonder if my meaty arms helped disperse the pain. Since I stopped crying the nurse gave me my last vaccination orally and it tasted pretty good.

I gobbled down that medicine with gusto. And that was it. I had to stay in the waiting room for another 30 minutes as a precaution, but I slept that time away with ease. Hmm, not as bad as we all thought it would be.
I went from crying to contently drinking my medicine in less than a minute. Which vaccination method do you think I prefer? Go ahead and compare the pictures.

Then I heard I’d have to be back next month for the second round. Then after that for a third round. And then more and more. I am not looking forward to these visits. But I want to be healthy so let’s just hope I handle them as well as I did this one.
I wonder if the next oral vaccination will taste as good as this one.