
Today I went to the doctor’s to get my first round of vaccinations. FOUR of them! Oh my! Three of those are shots and I heard that they hurt a lot. I am not really looking forward to this.

The doctor looked me over and listened to my chest with a stethoscope. So that was it, right? All done?

No such luck. The doctor was just giving me a quick checkup to make sure I was healthy enough to get the vaccinations. Apparently I was healthy enough to get three shots in my arms. Drat.

Today was a designated vaccination day at the hospital and there were several other babies there. They looked all cute and happy in the waiting room, then their names were called, I heard bloodcurdling cries, and then they emerged from the emergency room in tears. I was not looking forward to these shots.

But, it was also a bit of a wait, so I got bored and fell asleep.

Bored of waiting

By the time my name was called, I was enjoying a deep sleep in Mommy’s arms. Boy did I get a rude awakening. Before I knew it, the nurse had jabbed me in the arm with the shot.

Naturally, I started crying, but it wasn’t over yet. Still, two more to go. I got turned around, because they obviously didn’t want to deprive my right arm of the puncturing pain. Then *jab* *jab*, two more shots.

I was in so much pain that I cried and… stopped. That shocked all of us. I’m sure that for a split second Mommy and Daddy thought that I had passed on from the pain, but I didn’t. I just handled the pain and prioritized going back to sleep.

The last vaccination was an oral one and the nurse was planning to give me a few minutes to calm down before she administered it, even suggesting we wait out in the waiting room until I was ready, but to all of our surprise I stopped crying. Not even 10 seconds had passed and I had stopped crying and was asleep again. I wonder if my meaty arms helped disperse the pain. Since I stopped crying the nurse gave me my last vaccination orally and it tasted pretty good.

I gobbled down that medicine with gusto. And that was it. I had to stay in the waiting room for another 30 minutes as a precaution, but I slept that time away with ease. Hmm, not as bad as we all thought it would be.

I went from crying to contently drinking my medicine in less than a minute. Which vaccination method do you think I prefer? Go ahead and compare the pictures.

Then I heard I’d have to be back next month for the second round. Then after that for a third round. And then more and more. I am not looking forward to these visits. But I want to be healthy so let’s just hope I handle them as well as I did this one.

I wonder if the next oral vaccination will taste as good as this one.

Couch potato

Since I don’t like to sleep in my crib or in my chair Daddy tried to see if I preferred to sleep on the couch. After all, Mommy and Daddy love to take naps there. Hmmm, still not for me, but I did last longer than I usually do in my crib or chair.

Soccer practice

It’s tough to get exercise or to enjoy any sports when you can’t run, walk, stand, crawl, or even hold my head up. But I need to start to exercise for my health. I heard that Daddy played soccer when he was younger, so I wanted to follow in his footsteps. So I started to practice today. And I have to say I have some fancy footwork.


I was having a nice chat with Daddy when I felt something in my tummy. All of a sudden my smiles and laughs turned into brow furrowing and squinty eyes. Alas, it was a movement of the bowel variety. Maybe our conversation was too invigorating. Or maybe it was very relaxing. Whatever the case, I had a very good movement, which you will see, or more accurately “hear”.

Explosive hair

Man, look at that hair. I told you it was getting long. It is also getting a bit explosive. This is my post bath hairstyle and it stays like that even without any product in it. I have to admit, that this hairstyle is quite cool, both in temperature and style.

Far off look

Yeah, I don’t know what I’m looking at here. It’s not my mirror. I sometimes just stare off into the distance and lock my gaze there. It freaks Mommy and Daddy out sometimes. I’m not sure what I’m seeing. You’ll be the first to know when I figure it out.

Good sleep equals a good day

I have been sleeping quite well during the night. For the most part I only wake up for feedings and I no longer have crying fits. If I wake up because of a wet diaper, Daddy usually takes care of it and rocks me back to sleep. If I wake up because of hunger, it is Mommy’s territory. But even though I’m sleeping well during the day, I still sleep a lot during the day. I take a lot of naps. Even after I “wake up” in the morning, I often take a couple of morning naps.

But the good night’s sleep and the naps means I am usually in a good mood! And that’s the whole point.

Soccer footwork

I may not have much control over my hands, but somehow my feet are quite adept. I have quite good ball control considering that I can’t even see the ball. I must admit that I have some fancy footwork. Just imagine what I’ll be able to do once I am able to stand.

Long hair

I’m growing so much every day. Even my hair is growing a lot. Look at how long it is getting! I’ve been bathing with an all-in-one baby shampoo and body soap. Maybe it is time to switch to baby shampoo and conditioner to control that hairdo.