Sleeping poses

My deepest sleep usually comes after nursing. I am so satisfied and full that I fall into a comfortable deep sleep. That puts me interesting sleeping poses right after nursing.

But that often means that when it is time to move to my sleeping mat or bed that I am more likely to sleep peacefully.

Home outdoor cafe

We went for our daily walk and since it was so hot, Mommy and Daddy picked up something to drink from a convenience store. But when we got home, we found that it was shady and breezy outside so they decided to enjoy their refreshments outside. It was nice to be able to relax in the fresh air.

Veranda Napping

I was a bit fussy again today. A little bit of cabin fever perhaps. It’s not good to be cooped up indoors all day. But it is also extremely hot outside in the sun. So the veranda is the perfect place for a nap since it is outside, provides cover from the harsh sun, and is quite breezy.

Nap hunger
Nap twitching

Rocking with Daddy

I really like being carried and rocked. That is usually how Mommy and Daddy calm me down and eventually lull me to sleep. Even if I’m not sleepy, I can usually take a deep breath and relax. It is great when I’m in a bad mood and fussing. Being carried and rocked usually leaves me very content.

But it is a completely different story if I there is a some reason for my discomfort. Say a wet diaper or hunger. If I’m hungry, there is very little Mommy and Daddy can do to calm me down besides feed me. Sometimes I get so desperate that I go rooting for milk wherever I can. If Daddy is carrying me, that means I try to find some part of him that produces milk. Unfortunately, he’s not built that way.

But once I’m fed, then the world is at peace once again.

Baby massage

It was a long rough day today. It seems that after I have a very good day, behaving myself like a good little boy, I often have a rough day of a lot of fussing. Mommy and Daddy understand that and took extra care to try and make this a relaxing day for me. That included and nice post-bath massage. Oooh, that’s nice!


Not every minute of every day is bright and happy. I have my sad moments too. I show off my powerful lungs and cry! Oh boy, do I cry. This was not a particularly special crying moment. This is just another time when I’m not happy. The nice thing is that it doesn’t last forever.

Bad mood → sleep → good mood

I was such a good boy yesterday, that I think I overdid it. I have not been in a great mood today. Maybe I’m still tired or maybe I am still worked up form my time outside yesterday, but I did not wake up on the right side of the bed.

But as it is with most bad moods and rough mornings, it is nothing that a good nap can’t fix. I mean a REALLY good nap. A very deep sleep.

As you can see, this nap made an impression!

I woke up in a much better mood. So good that I enjoyed a nice chat with Daddy when I woke up.

Meeting Obaasan

I’m so happy that I got to meet Obaasan today! She was very happy to see me and to hold me for the first time. She said that I was big and looked very healthy. I think she looked very healthy today. She was in the hospital for a few months but was able to walk out on her own two feet today, three if you count her cane. I have a feeling that I was a bit of a positive motivating force during her time in the hospital. It sounds like she had been very eager to see me. I feel the same way!

It’s nice to meet you, Obaasan!

It was such a hot day that I had to take off a layer of clothes to cool off. It’s okay, we’re all family. Ahhh, now that’s much better.

Back from the consulate

I’m back from the American Consulate. Everything went smoothly, so I should be getting my passport in a few weeks.

It was my first trip on the subway and I was fine. Actually, I was sleeping so I don’t remember anything about the subway. I only remember being comfortable in my baby carrier. I was awake a little bit at the consulate. I was a very good boy and did not fuss at all. But it was a hot day and I am pooped. I have to rest up because in a few hours we’re heading out to see Obaasan and I plan to be on my best behavior.