Happy morning

I have a big day ahead of me today. I am going to the American Consulate to have my birth reported and apply for my passport. I also am going to meet my Obaasan for the first time. She is being released from the hospital today and I’m going to see her. I am very excited for this big day ahead of me.

Chewing fist

As I mentioned before, I’ve been chewing on my fist a lot more lately. According to some articles from parenting and baby websites, it seems that I am right on schedule. It is a normal thing that babies my age do.

The problem is that now when I do this, it is harder for Mommy and Daddy to figure out if I am hungry or just simply chewing on my fist.

Clean and happy

I got too big for my baby bath so now Mommy is bathing me in the regular bath tub. Since I’m in the tub with her, I am much lighter and easier for her to hold me and also the water doesn’t cool down as fast so I don’t get fussy. Now baths are a nice relaxing time for me. I come out of the bath clean and happy!


I heard that babies are very flexible, and as a baby I can attest to that fact. I am very flexible. But I didn’t think I was this flexible. I’m practically a contortionist.

Recently I enjoy leaning sideways when Mommy or Daddy carry me. It is comfortable for me, but the strange weight distribution makes it hard on Mommy and Daddy’s arms.

Good and bad

I wish that I could say that every day I am a perfect angel in a great mood all the time. But unfortunately, that is not how life works. I have good days and bad days. I also have good times and bad times during the same day. It’s hard to say what makes the difference. I’m still a newborn and there are a lot of things that I still don’t understand about myself and the world.

These mood swings can be quite extreme.

Tummy Time: half-naked

Tummy time is a part of my daily routine. I need it to grow stronger so that I can hold my head up on my own and see the world. But sometimes it is too hot to workout with clothes on. This is my own private gym so I don’t think anyone will complain about me working out without a shirt or pants on.

It’s a good thing that Daddy took these pictures of me. I didn’t realize that I had so much back and neck meat. Maybe I’d better up my workout routine.

Big boy belly

I’m getting bigger by the day. I’d like to say that all the weight I am putting on is all muscle, but I don’t that is the case. Just take a look at my belly and the rolls in my legs and arms. That just means there is more of me to love.

By the way, wearing nothing but my diapers is the best way to beat the summer heat. I feel so comfortable like this. I’ve got to let my body breathe.

Kicky play mat time

I haven’t quite worked out how to grab things with my hands when on my play mat, but I did figure out that if I kick a lot, I am bound to hit something and then things start to happen. Sometimes I feel something move, somethings I see something shake, sometimes I make some noise. That’s how to make play mat time more fun.


After nursing I often drift off into a very deep content sleep. Sometimes when I’m moved from Mommy’s lap to my chair or mat I wake up very cranky. In order to prevent that from happening Mommy sometimes has to transfer more than just me, but also my pillow to my chair. Doesn’t that look comfortable?

Fine in the car

I’m pretty use to car rides right now. I don’t really fuss much unless I’m hungry. For the most part I enjoy the rumble of the car and it usually puts me to sleep. Even when I don’t sleep, I’m fine in the car. Except for those darn red lights interrupting my car ride. I don’t like those at all.

Serious napping

I take my post-nursing naps very seriously. The nap right after breakfast is the most important nap of the day. Wait, I’m being told that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Same thing for a nursing baby. Mealtime pretty much equals naptime.

Outdoor nap interrupted by hunger

It was late afternoon and I was having a nice nap outside with Daddy in our garden area, when I realized I was hungry. You can see my cheeks and lips moving, ready before nursing before I am even awake. I was having such a nice nap, but then hunger strikes. This feeding every 3 hours can be a pain sometimes. Apparently, I have a stomach the size of a fist, my fist. That is really small. It’s no wonder I have to refuel so often.


I was being a bit fussy in the house so Daddy took me outside to get some fresh air. Even though it is nice and cool in the air conditioned house, I often like to go outside, despite the 30°C (86°F) temperature and 60% humidity. Luckily, our veranda is covered and quite breezy. It’s quite comfortable. This is me, soaking up the fresh air.