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I am Mason, hear me ROAR!

Good morning!

I hear that grownups have a hard time waking up in the morning because they are so comfortable in their beds and don’t want to get up. I understand the feeling. Sometimes I find myself on Mommy or Daddy in the morning, because of a rough night, and I definitely don’t want to wake up and leave that comfort. Yes, to me the position above is comfortable. Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.
Here’s looking at you
Recently I’ve been looking around a lot more and locking on to things. The most common targets of my long gazes are Mommy and Daddy. When they talk to me and play with me I just stare at them. If one of them walks by I lock on to them. My stares can be unsettling at times, but I intend for them to be flattering. I find the object of my gazes to be objects of my affection. I hope it doesn’t reflect upon me poorly that I stare at myself a lot in my mirror.
Happy play mat fun

Besides just staring at myself in my play mat mirror, I actually play on my play mat as well. Most of my playing is unintentional as I flail my arms and legs and accidentally hit the little toys hanging from it. But it is still a lot of fun! Just look at me go!
Still checking myself out
I’m not vain or anything. I just like looking at myself. I’m objectively interested in the idea of reflections in a mirror. I like the interaction of my play mat, so that’s why I keep staring at the mirror. So, this is me still checking myself out.

Okay, I know I’m a big baby, but this is getting ridiculous. I’m growing so fast that we had to pick up some new clothes for me. We decided to go one size up and buy clothes for 6-month-old babies. Here I am, not even 2 months old, with my 6-month-old size rompers nearly bursting at the seams. Look at those snaps holding on for dear life!
Actually, here in Japan the size labels are by length and are “recommended” for a certain age. 50-60cm for newborns, and 70cm for 6-months to 1-year-old babies. But still, I am not 70cm long, and yet my clothes are at their limit. I either have to slim down or force my clothes to stretch out to my size. I think I’ll opt for the second.
It’s been well established that I am a cute baby. There is a no doubt and no argument there. But, the question is, could I be cuter? Perhaps with long hair? Well, we didn’t have any extra long hair just lying about, so we simulated some long hair with a towel. What’s the verdict? Cuter? Less cute? No change?

Wobbly head
I’m still a pretty young baby, and that means that I can’t hold my head up very well yet. I’m doing my tummy time to work toward that ability, but at the moment my neck stability is not that reliable. So that means that when I try to hold my head up and am doing well, it doesn’t last for very long. When Mommy or Daddy is holding me on their chest, I like to hold my head up and look around, but at some point my strength gives out and I end up headbutting them. It doesn’t hurt me at all, but it definitely surprises them and can hurt them depending on where I hit them. Ouch!
Fist gnawing

I’ve been gnawing on my fist a lot recently. At first I was sucking on it, kind of to soothe myself and also to give a not-so-subtle hint to Mommy and Daddy that I’m hungry. But nowadays, more than sucking on it, I kind of gnaw on it. And it is not only when I should be hungry. I’ve also been more fussy than usual and gnawing on my fist helps me settle down a little bit. Daddy read that some babies start teething from 2 months. That sounds a bit early to me, but we’ll look into it.
Just looking adorable
Play mat calisthenics
When I on my play mat, I’m am usually doing one of two things: staring at myself in the mirror or moving my arms and legs. When I say “moving my arms and legs” I don’t mean an arm raise here and casual kick there. I mean that I am constantly moving my arms and legs.
I consume a lot of calories a day and not being able to run, walk, or crawl, there is not much for me to do to burn those calories. So I move a lot on my play mat. I don’t expect to lose any weight, but I’m going to make sure that I put on more muscle than fat. By the time I learn how to crawl, I am going to be so fit that Mommy and Daddy are going to have trouble keeping up with me. I hope they are doing their exercises as well.
Hello, Handsome!
Side Cradle

Whoopsie. I was in a pretty comfortable position and slid off. Oh well. This is pretty comfy too. Hmmm. Maybe I’ll just stay here for a while.
Wrong parent
I was waking from my nap, still a bit groggy, and realized that I was really hungry. So, naturally, I started foraging for food. That’s when I heard Daddy’s voice say, “Wrong breast, buddy.” Oops! Wrong parent.

Mild mat exercise
You’ve seen how active I am on my mat. Most of the time I am quite hyper while exercising on my mat. But that is not always the case. Sometimes I take it easy. I have an almost lazy exercise session.
At the park with Mommy
We went to the park today. It was the first time I was there with Mommy. We were doing research on all the things we can do and play when I get bigger. I can’t wait!
I just think that the park is a bit too sunny for me right now. But someday I’m going to love it.
Mid change

I was in the middle of changing my clothes to go out and I was put down on my mat. It is a completely different experience. Not only could I feel the different fabrics on my back, but I felt a lot cooler. The humidity of summer is getting to me. Wearing nothing but diapers felt really good. I think that this should my new clothing standard for home. I promise to dress properly when we go out.

See! All dressed.
Staring at myself
Like I mentioned earlier, I just can’t get enough of myself. I just stare at myself in the mirror on my play mat. Daddy tried to video my point of view, but couldn’t quite capture it. But you get the idea.

Exploring my play mat
I’m just checking the other things besides the mirror on my play mat.

I even had some modified tummy time on my play mat.