Midwife visit

We had a visit from a city employed midwife today. They visit all newborns’ households on their 50th day since birth to see how they are doing and to answer questions and give advice to the new parents.

As a first impression, the midwife was very surprised by my size. I think she subtly double checked to make sure that she was here to check on a 50-day-old baby, not a 100-day-old baby. The first thing she did was check my measurements.

June 29th
50 Days Old
June 11th
1 Month Old
May 10th
Increase since 1-month check up
Weight6220 g (13.71 lbs)5210 g (11.49 lbs)3926 (8.65 lbs)1010 g (2.23 lbs)
Length58.5 cm (23.03 in)51.5 cm (20.27 in)N/A
Abdominal Circumference42.8 cm (16.85 in)41 cm (16.14 in)36.5 cm (14.37 in)1.8 cm (0.70 in)
Head Circumference40 cm (15.75 in)39 cm (15.35 in)38 cm (13.96 in)1 cm (0.39 in)

Once again, it is official: I am a big baby. I gained more than a kilogram in 18 days. That is a 51.6 g per day weight increase since my 1-month checkup. I’m not overeating, or anything. I eat the recommended 8 to 10 times a day and my nursing sessions are usually 20 minutes long. That’s pretty standard. And yet I’m growing very quickly. Like I said before, Mommy must have some pretty nutritious breast milk or I must be a very good eater. (I suspect both are true).

Once the midwife got over the size of me she asked some routine questions about how we are doing and based on our answers she confirmed that we are doing really well. My feeding habits are good. Our daily routine is good. Her one concern was about Mommy’s nutrition. Considering how much I eat, she wanted to make sure that Mommy was getting enough nutrients herself, since I’m sucking the bulk of it out of her. Food-wise, she does well. She has a good appetite and Daddy cooks up a some pretty impressive spreads. The one thing that she has to work on is her hydration. The midwife suggested she drink a lot more water, especially when nursing. I’m on it. When I nurse, I make such succulent sucking sounds it should make anyone want to have a sip of a drink.

The midwife gave me a looking over and said that I looked to be very healthy, (which might have been code for “big”). I responded properly to physical stimulation: followed things with my eyes, gripped when something was placed in my hand, etc..

When asked about any concerns, Mommy and Daddy mentioned that I had a few crying fits here and there. The midwife reassured us that crying fits are very common. I’m a baby after all. As for advice about what to do, the things she mentioned are things we are doing now: changing the environment, taking me outside, just relaxing, etc..

Mommy mentioned how I tend to calm down and sleep easier in Daddy’s arms. The midwife noted that considering my size, she was not surprised. She also mentioned that Daddy had a perfect carrying form. She said that the way he tucked my legs in while holding me close replicated what I felt in Mommy’s tummy, which is why I can relax so well. She said bearing the weight is difficult for someone of Mommy’s stature, but if Daddy can do it, why not just let him do it. She is a wise woman.

So, all in all it was a very nice visit and we found out that we are doing great. We had some questions answered and received some good advice. But the main thing is that we are trusting our instincts and doing well. Yay, us!

50 days old and doing fine! 50 days? Does this mean I’m middle aged? Wow! That came quickly.

Play mat

I’m really digging my new play mat. It is quite entertaining. I haven’t quite mastered grabbing on to things and feeling the different textures and materials. But I have mastered staring at my handsome face in the mirror. At times that is all I do. I can’t get enough of myself.

Overall, the play mat is quite stimulating and exciting. It also gives me a lot of space to flail my arms and legs, which as you know I love to do.

Ready for a ride

Riding in the car is usually very comfortable for me and I am lulled to sleep by the vibrations of the car. But sometimes I am not in a good mood and have to endure the car ride until we get to our destination because there is no way for Mommy or Daddy to pick me up. So, before a ride I usually have to brace myself for the possible trauma of the car ride, or get comfortable for a nice sleep.


I ran out of things to do. I slept, I cried, I nursed, I peed, I pooped, I hiccuped, I smiled, I stared off into the distance, and I flailed my arms and legs. What else is there to do for a baby? Bored.

Big smile

I have been smiling a lot more lately. Sometimes it is very random and I smile when Mommy or Daddy talks to me. Sometimes I just smile for no reason. But I have figured this camera thing out and realize that I’m supposed to smile when it is pointed at me, (which, let’s be honest, is practically all the time in this household). So, when I know it is picture time, I try to flash a big smile!

Daddy bed

Now this is nice. I’m not to fond of my crib sometimes, but I love my Daddy bed. So comfy and warm. It even comes with its own soothing white noise rhythm machine. The top of my Daddy bed is a bit prickly, but other than that, this is so comfortable.

Gamer babysitting

I mentioned before that when I fall asleep on someone, there is little for them to do. They are often forced to reach for the TV remote control with their feet. But sometimes a PlayStation4 controller is at hand. This makes babysitting a sleeping baby a lot more interesting.

FYI: Apparently Daddy played better than usual. I’m his good luck charm!

Walk to the park

Daddy and I went for a nice long walk today. We figured we should give Mommy some time to rest, since I’m literally sucking the energy out of her. We walked for about 30 minutes around town and I saw a lot of cool things. We even stopped for a rest at a nice little park. I can’t wait until I’m big enough to play there.

I was a very good boy and did not fuss at all during our walk. I did get a bit drowsy and then I fell asleep on the last leg back. It is hard to believe that I can sleep with all the shaking the stroller does as it goes over the rough sidewalk pavement. Or maybe the shaking is exactly why I go to sleep.

Bunch of smiles for Grandma and Grandpa

I was chatting with Grandma and Grandpa on FaceTime, as we do once or twice a week, and I was showing off my beautiful smiles. I have been smiling a lot lately. I’m like a smile sniper sometimes. We may not be doing anything particularly special, and then I’ll flash Mommy and Daddy a couple of smiles! Their reaction is precious. They look so happy to see me smile. Grandma and Grandpa looked just as happy, but somewhat bittersweet because they could not hold me and hug me. I’m sad that I can’t see them in person yet. But I’m glad we have our FaceTime sessions to get to know each other before our actual face-to-face meeting.

Play mat

You’ve seen my new play mat, but you may not have seen me play on my play mat yet. That’s because I still haven’t worked out how to play yet. I can move a lot. I can accidentally touch toys with my arms and hands. But “play”, not yet. One thing I do really well is hiccup on my play mat.

Double eyelids

Sometimes when I’m tired or after I cry, I get double eyelids. Other times, they just kind of appear. I don’t know about you, but Mommy and Daddy think the double eyelids make my eyes look “prettier”. I’m not sure about “prettier” but they sure do pop!

N Cool

We went shopping today and got me a cool-to-the-touch baby mat from Nitori’s N Cool line. It will help me beat the summer heat.

It looks really comfortable, doesn’t it? Don’t I look like one of those babies from the advertisement shots? Hey, Nitori, if you are looking for another baby model, give me a call.

2% Weight Gain

Oh my god! I can’t believe it! This can’t be true. It must be a mistake. I gained weight again! I am now 6120 g (13.5 lbs)!

No!!! This can’t be right!

I went from 6000 g to 6120 g in four days. That is a 2% weight gain. Sure, 120 g weight gain may not sound like much, but 2% is huge! That is a 2 pound increase if you way 100 pounds or 3 pounds if you way 150 lbs, and this is in 4 days! That’t it. I’m cutting back on how much I eat.

20 minutes later…

150 g weight gain in one feeding…meh, I’m cool with it.

So, I gained 150 g in 20 minutes from one feeding. That’s another 2.45% weight increase. Meh. What can you do? I’m going to take a nap.

Tummy Time: Checking me out

Tummy time can be a chore for us babies. It feels strange and is not as comfortable as being on our backs. Also, it is quite a workout. But, now that I have this handy mirror to check myself out in, I don’t mind the workout as much. I can actually see my progress. I guess that’s why they have so many mirrors in gyms.

Not ready to wake up

I take some really good naps. Sometimes my naps are better than my sleep at night. To make sure I can sleep at night and that I am fed at the right time, Mommy and Daddy sometimes have to urge me to wake up from my naps during the day. But sometimes I am just not ready to wake up and I fall right back to sleep. Sometimes I fall hard! Stick around to the end of the video to see me plummet back to sleep.

Temporary Swaddle

Swaddling still doesn’t really work for me. It lasts for a bit, and it helps me to slip into a deeper sleep, which is good. But soon, I burst free from its bonds, able to flail my arms and legs again. I must admit, though, it can be comforting for a while. Maybe I’ll give it another chance and let its embrace pull me into a immobile sleep.


The weather is getting to be hotter and hotter, so sometimes I ditch my outer layer of clothes and just lounge around in my inner garments. I didn’t realize that in certain positions they can be revealing and somewhat provocative. It looks like I have a bit of cleavage there. Well, if you got it, flaunt it.

Cleavage aside, don’t I look a lot cooler with less clothes on? It really looks like summer.

Books, Stroller, & Sling

Late this afternoon Daddy read a lot of books to me. I like reading books, but I’m not quite sure if I understand the stories yet. I think I like the bright colors and pictures. I definitely like Daddy’s reading voice.

After that I was feeling kind of restless, so Daddy and I went out for a walk. The weather was nice and I enjoyed the sights a lot.

After a nice 30-minute walk we headed home. I was quite sleepy by that time so it was back into the sling for a nice nap.

Albeit a slightly cramped nap.