Oh man, oh man, oh man. Did I have a rough night. Well, I should say WE had a rough night. I just couldn’t get to sleep and that means that Mommy and Daddy did not get to sleep. Not only did I not sleep, but I was very cranky. I cried a lot a lot a lot. Yes, that much.
Mommy fed me, Daddy held me and sang to me. Nothing worked. Mommy and Daddy took turns carrying me and trying to soothe me, but nothing worked. Around 2 a.m. Mommy and Daddy put on YouTube and started to watch some music related videos (AGT, Pitch Perfect clips, Tony Awards openings). That seemed to make them focus on something other than getting me to sleep, which seemed to do the trick. We finally got to sleep at about 3:30 in the morning. It was a long night.
During the night, Mommy and Daddy started to worry and looked on line for reasons for my crying. One of the first hits they saw started with, “Crying usually peaks at 6 weeks old” and the more they read the better they felt. My unusual amount of crying was actually normal and they had nothing to worry about. Further reading confirmed that 6 weeks old seems to be the time when babies cry the most and longest. I can attest to that. I was on a marathon crying spree.
The reason I couldn’t sleep was probably because I slept so much during the day. We had gone shopping and Daddy was carrying me in the baby carrier the whole time. It is so comfortable in the baby carrier that I pretty much slept the whole time, only waking for feeding and diaper changes. Well, I overheard Mommy and Daddy and it sounds like their plan for now on is to try and keep me up as much as possible during the day. Considering the night I had, I’m completely on board.