Bundle of Joy

Recently, Mommy has been wrapping me up when I sleep. It’s not quite swaddling, it’s not as tight. But it stops me from flailing around just the same. I still manage to get my arms and legs free eventually, but I usually can enjoy a longer sleep this way.

Arm nook dream nursing

You know how I feel comfortable in Daddy’s arm nook, right? Well, I took that to a whole new level today. I fell asleep on Daddy’s chest and wiggled my way down into his arm nook. But this time I positioned myself in a way where my face found a nice little opening between his arm and his body, kind of like the whole in a massage table. I was so comfortable and deeply asleep that I slept past my nursing time. But that’s not how it was for me. I was nursing right on schedule…in my dream. Daddy noticed that my cheeks were moving and suspected that I was dream nursing again. With some creative positioning of his iPhone, making use of his Apple Watch viewer, he caught me in the act. I must warn you, the video footage is not pretty. But it is interesting and possibly the first of its kind. It’s kind of hard to unsee it once you watch it, so view at your own risk.

I warned you. This is an image that you will never forget.


That’s strange. We went for a walk today and although I started off in my stroller, by the time we got home I was being carried by Daddy. I was told that I was crying a lot so I had to be carried. Hmmm…that doesn’t sound like me, but I guess that must be what happened.

Daddy Chair

Do you have a Daddy Chair? If not, I highly recommend you get one. They are very comfortable and multifunctional. My Daddy chair is adjustable and can accommodate my different moods and needs. Naturally, it is great for taking naps, but also great for relaxing. Here are a few of its positions.

The higher end model Deluxe Daddy Chair also plays with you, bathes you, sings to you, chats with you, dances with you, and changes your diapers.

If you are looking for a chair that does all that AND can breast feed you, please check out the Mommy Chair.

Trying to get me to smile

Man, parents can be kind of obsessive sometimes. Not only are they always staring at me and fawning over me, they go nuts whenever I do something new. I mean absolutely NUTS! So you may have seen that I flashed a few smiles earlier. Now Mommy and Daddy go crazy trying to get me to smile again. It’s kind of funny and entertaining until it’s just not and they look a bit ridiculous. But I try to humor them. I think I’ll try and draw this out for a bit and give them hints of me about to smile. I might be able to milk a few days of amusement out of this.

Kicking to sleep

I have not quite mastered putting myself to sleep. Wait, okay, let me be honest. I’m not even close to being able to put myself to sleep. I don’t know how grownups do it. What do you do? Just lie down, close your eyes and go to sleep? How? It just doesn’t work for me. I can kind of get close. Sometimes when I’m lying down I feel drowsy…

and then when I’m about to drift off to slumber land I kick violently to try and put myself to sleep.

But no matter how hard and how violently I kick, I just can’t seem to fall asleep. What am I doing wrong?

Daddy: That.

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day, Daddy! And happy father’s day to all the daddies out there! If you are like my Daddy, you must love your children more than anything in the world! Please take the time today to thank them for everything they do for you. I’m definitely going to thank Daddy with pudgy hugs and slobbery kisses today!

Baby carrier

Mommy’s friend sent us her baby carrier and it has been a god send. As you know, I’m a big baby and carrying me for a long time puts a lot of strain on Mommy and Daddy. Daddy likes to carry me sideways in the sling, but it is hard for Mommy to do because of my size. When she carries me, she likes to carry me vertically. So that is why this carrier works really well for her. My first impressions: I like it and it’s easy to sleep. Two thumbs up!

Good communication

For the most part I am a very good baby. I think one of the reasons I am a good baby is because of good communication. I let Mommy and Daddy know how I feel and they can deal with the situation. For instance, here I am efficiently communicating to Mommy and Daddy that I am not happy. See, good communication.

ID Photos

When your are born, there is a lot of paperwork. You are a human being who wasn’t here in this world before, but now you are. Part of that process is making an ID card. Here in Japan it is called a MyNumber Card. Like with all ID photos, I was instructed not to smile. So guess what I did.

The weird thing is that I haven’t quite worked out how to smile yet. I’ve been practicing with Mommy and Daddy a lot, but I’ve never smiled this much before. What an odd time to break out all my best smiles.

Mommy and Daddy tried to get me to smile again after these ID photos but I wouldn’t crack even the smallest grin.

Studying faces

I think my eyesight is getting better. I can see a little clearer and a little farther. I’m starting recognize faces and spend a lot of time studying them. I have to remember who everyone is.

I know this face. This is the guy with the scratchy face and does not breast feed me. But I like it when he carries me. Oh, it’s Daddy!

Going for a walk

Recently we’ve been trying to go out every day. Sometimes we go grocery shopping, and sometimes we just go for a walk around the neighborhood. Like the car seat, I’m pretty happy in my stroller. We found out that I like the vibrations of the sidewalk. A couple times when we used the stroller in the supermarket, I did not like the smooth ride on the linoleum. Mommy and Daddy had to shake the stroller to mimic a rougher ride. That calmed me down.

I like being out it the world. There is so much to see. It’s taking me a while to get use to the bright sun, but cloudy days like today are perfect for me.

Same face

It’s hard to believe that I can make both of these faces. They are both me, but very different sides of me. Naturally, I prefer the right picture, but I can’t always control how I feel. We see the left side picture several times a day. I have to be careful, though. When I cry a lot that crease between my eyes and across my nose kind of remains. I don’t want that to be a permanent thing.


I’m just working on the blog with Daddy. I have really good photographers who take ton of pictures and give me a lot of material to work with. Sometimes they take too many pictures. I mean, how many pictures do we need of me just laying around staring off into space?

Okay, just one more.