4 weeks, Piece of cake

I am 4 weeks old today! I feel like I’ve grown and developed a lot these 4 weeks. I heard people talk about how tough the world can be for a little baby, but I don’t think it is that hard. Sure, I sometimes cry like it is the end of the world over the littlest things. Sure, I have everything provided for me and am waited on hand and foot. Sure, it’s only been 4 short weeks. Despite all of that, I think I got this being a baby thing worked out. Piece of cake!

Beauty and the Beast

I am both a beauty and a beast. I’m not just talking about outward appearances. There are times when I am such an easy baby, conducting myself with beauty and grace. Then there are times where I am on a rampage set on upsetting the peace that has settled upon the land.

Nah, I’m just kidding. I’m never really that bad. I just wanted to make use of the “Beauty and the Beast” title of this post. But, in reality, my outward appearances do reflect the title of “Beauty and the Beast”. Okay, first, here is the “beauty”.

Absolutely precious, if I do say so myself. A perfect angel. So sweet and innocent.

Okay, now for the “beast”. Brace yourself. This is not going to be pretty!

Yikes! It’s hard to believe that it is the same face. Well, for all you doubters out there, we have rare footage of my transformation from beauty to beast.

Big eyes

Do I have big eyes or small eyes? It is hard to tell. Most of the time I think I have small eyes, but then every so often when I’m awake and very alert I have these big bright eyes. Compare my big eyes to my normal eyes.

Very different.

First stroller ride

I went out for my first stroller ride today. I think I liked it. I don’t really have much memory of it. I remember being a little uneasy when I was put in the stroller and then there was a lot of shaking. Before I knew it I was fast asleep. All the rumbling and shaking rocked me to sleep. I have a feeling that Mommy and Daddy will start using this trick a lot when I’m fussy. Hey, I don’t mind. I don’t really like being fussy, so anything that helps me calm down is fine with me.

Spiky hair

I was born with a full head of hair and I’m very proud of it. It makes me look more mature. I’m not even a month old and I have had a few hair style changes. You saw my antenna and salaryman look. This is my spiky look.

Grunting, posing, and rocking

Even when sleeping, or drowsy, I am very entertaining. I’m rarely ever completely still. I’m often making noises, moving my hands and feet, and like in this case rocking side to side, almost rolling over. All of this is unintentional. Imagine how much I’ll be able to move when I put my mind to it.


This was not intentional. I did not mean to show my midriff. It is just that sometimes when I stretch while being held the snaps at the bottom of the clothes pop off and my clothes work their way up. I’m literally getting too big for my britches.

Mommy and Daddy purposefully held off on going on a newborn-baby-clothes-shopping spree, knowing that I’d be growing out of them in no time. It looks like they were right.

Camera angle

I’m starting to learn more about photography, especially camera angles. There are many unflattering camera angles that can really change the way you look. Did you know if you take a selfie from a low angle that it can make you look chubby? Here is my proof that camera angle can change how you look.

This camera angle makes my cheeks look so big and round that Daddy said I look like the Otafuku sauce logo. You be the judge.

More tummy time

I try to do some tummy time every day. My effort and success during tummy time varies. One thing that seems to be reoccurring is my farts. All that abdominal flexing leads to inadvertent gas passing. Excuse me.

Tummy time no effort
Tummy time small fart
Tummy time multiple farts
Tummy time good effort

Trying to smile

Since I can’t talk yet, it is hard for me to express my feelings. Right now, the way I express my feelings is by crying or not crying. That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. I also make some grunts and coos, but those are not really to express myself yet. It’s just something to do. So, in order to express myself I’ve been working on facial expressions, smiling in particular. I’m getting better, but I still have a long way to go.