Daddy: Hey, Mason, do your impression of Napoleon.
Mason: Nailed it!
Daddy: Nice!
Daddy: Hey, Mason, do your impression of Napoleon.
Mason: Nailed it!
Daddy: Nice!
Daddy: Hey, Mason, do an impression of a velociraptor.
Mason: Nailed it!
Daddy: Nice!
I have always been very expressive. You should see the variety of faces I make. Most of them are a mix of comfortable, sad, and angry. I don’t really smile yet. At least I didn’t until today. I had this big smile on my face while I slept. I just have to figure out how to smile when I’m awake.
As you know, I was born with a full head of hair. It is very thick and smooth, but it can be unruly sometimes. Today, I suddenly developed an antenna. I don’t know how or why, but it just popped up on my head. No, Mommy and Daddy did NOT put any product in my hair to do that. It just happened naturally.
Mommy and Daddy thought it was hilarious!
I was less amused.
Believe it or not, this is comfortable for me.
I move so much in my sleep that I end up slipping down in my chair. You may recall that this happened to me at the hospital too. What’s supposed to be a very big chair ends up becoming very cramped for me.
I had a pretty rough night last night. Well, let me rephrase that: Daddy had a pretty rough night last night. We was trying to get me to sleep and I would not let him put me down. I was fine while carried me in his arms and I was sleeping quite peacefully, but the instant he tried to put me down in my crib I would wake up crying. I wouldn’t even let him sit down and hold me. Once his butt touch a stable surface I started crying. Maybe I slept too well during the day. I might not have been sleepy enough to sleep on my own. I think this was the fussiest I have been since we got home. This went on for a few hours before it was time for my next feeding.
Poor Daddy. I think he only got three hours of sleep before he had to leave for work. I mentioned something about how a lot of coffee would help him get through his 12 hour shift. I hope he is okay. I plan to not sleep so much during the day today so that he and Mommy can get a good night’s sleep tonight.
I like to be carried most of the time. But once in a while I’ll let Mommy and Daddy hold me while sitting down. Daddy found a comfy position for him on the couch where he could prop one arm up on the armrest to support my weight. That changed the angle of everything. As you can see on my face, I’m not sure how I feel about this new cradling position.
It’s nice to be held and cradled, but sometimes I just wanna chill on the couch and watch TV like one of the boys. (The TV wasn’t on, but you get the idea.)
Mommy and I had another peaceful day at home. I slept a lot today.
I slept so well that I dreamt I was going through my daily routine. At one point I was even drinking my milk while sleeping. Unfortunately I woke up hungry instead of full. The one drawback to dream drinking.
Just to mix it up, I had some hiccups in between all the sleeping. What a full day!
Hey, all you crib manufacturers out there. I have a million-dollar idea for you: round cribs. I can’t imagine there are many babies who remain completely still in their sleep and wake up in the same position they were put down in. Even if I’m the only one that moves this much in his sleep, you’ll at least sell one round crib. Just a thought.
After a long day apart because Daddy was at work, he and I needed to spend to quality time together.
It was comfortable and peaceful until I got hungry and forgot which parent provides me with milk.
I was quickly redirected to Mommy, a.k.a. the milk provider.
I’m so happy to have Daddy home! Why does he have to go to work anyway? Wouldn’t he rather stay home with me and Mommy? Wait, let me go ask him:
Mason: Daddy, why do you have to go to work anyway? Wouldn’t you rather stay home with me and Mommy?
Daddy: Of course I would rather stay home with you and Mommy. But I have to go to work to earn money.
M: Why?
D: We need money to pay for things. Without money we wouldn’t have a place to live or food to eat.
M: So grownups have to work to get things that they need and want?
D: Yes, that’s right, son.
M: …
D: Mason, do you understand why grownups have to work?
M: No, not really. Why don’t grownups just cry and fuss until they get what they want? That’s what I do.
D: Believe me son, some grownups do that as well.
M: I see.
Most babies start rolling over at about 4 months. By the looks of it, I may roll over at 4 weeks! Mommy and Daddy will definitely have their hands full chasing me around the house if I do.
4 weeks might be too optimistic, so I’m going to set my goal to roll over at 100 days. I better start doing those core workouts.
I told you that I often flail my hands and feet all over the place, right? Well, it makes for interesting poses if a picture is snapped at just the right time. This is one of those pictures.
Looks like I’m ready for my first rock concert!
You know, to be honest, I don’t remember this picture being taken. I actually don’t even remember the concert. I think I had too much milk to drink that night.
Daddy went back to work today so it was just Mommy and me. We are having a great time together! Mommy is doing a great job taking care of me on her own. Not only is she a really good mother, but I have been perfect angel today. I ate and slept well. I was even relatively calm during my bath. I had a great day!
I have to admit, I miss Daddy. It’s nice when we are all together as a family. I wonder when he will get home.
I just heard from Mommy that Daddy won’t be home for at least another six hours. His current job is from 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. That’s a long day. I’ve been thinking about him and wanting to see him all day. I wonder if he is doing the same?
Daddy: Yes, the entire day!
Daddy’s beard has been growing these four days that he has been home from work and he found out that it makes a very effective and natural comb. He gave me a salaryman (businessman) hairstyle that cracked Mommy up. She laughed so hard I thought she was going to tear open her stitches. Sure, I look like a middle-aged man sporting a preemptive combover, but I think I look quite Dapper.
Even though I’m only 10 days old, I am very strong and quite developed. My neck muscles are very strong and I am showing signs of nearly rolling over. Mommy and Daddy are both happy and worried that I’ll be rolling around the house before they know it. Well, they are just going to have to enjoy my time as a little immobile bundle of joy while it lasts.
I know that you have all been waiting for this big announcement. I have finally decided on a name. After a lot of consideration, deliberation, and trials, I now officially have a name.
Here is some background information.
Mason: Stone Worker, Brick Layer
Shoma (æ£çœŸ)
Combination of Mommy’ parents’ names Seigo (æ£å‰›) and Machiko (眞åƒå)
æ£: right, just, correct
真: true, honest, pure
Mommy and Daddy had several possible names ready for me, but were not ready to name me until they saw me. When I was born they quickly reduced the list down to a few candidates, but then they got stuck. They weren’t sure which names were best for me. It wasn’t until they spent some time with me and I had my input as well, that they were able to finalize my name.
I am very happy with my name and am overjoyed to be able to introduce myself to you all!
Daddy just can’t seem to keep his hands off of me. I think he looks for every opportunity to pick me up and hold me. Today, especially, he has been holding me a lot. I think it is because he has to go to work tomorrow after spending four days home with me. I bet he is going to miss me a lot. I’m going to miss him a lot, too. After all, he is the one that feeds me. Wait! I think I got that mixed up. Mommy feeds me. Daddy has the big arms that cradle me and the pokey stuff on his chin. That’s right. Now I got it. Yes, I’m going to miss him a lot, too.