I had my first story time with Daddy today. Wait, let me clarify. I had my first story time with Daddy out here in the world today. We had a bunch of story times when I was in Mommy’s tummy. I’ve got to say, the sound quality out here in the world is a lot clearer than in Mommy’s tummy, where everything was a bit muffled. So I enjoyed it a lot more this time! I was awake and had been a bit fussy when Daddy started to read to me and then I calmed down instantly. I was thinking, “So this is what it’s supposed to sound like.”
In Daddy’s arms

Daddy has been carrying me a lot today. Even when I’m fine being put down, he finds an excuse to carry me. I can’t really complain. I like it a lot! Even though I’m a big baby, Daddy can hold my entire body with one arm! Very impressive! I feel very safe and secure in his arms. I think I’m going to like it here.
Baby face
I’m going to warn you that Mommy and Daddy absolutely adore me. So far, all they have done is stare at me. I’m not even doing anything. Seriously, I’m barely even awake. But all they do is stare at me. And the pictures. They are taking tons and tons of pictures of me doing nothing! Can you believe it?
Um, okay, actually, not that I see what I look like to them, I get the obsession with me. I am adorable.
Alright, it looks like they are going to be taking an insane number of pictures of me, and I will do my best to try and keep them under control. Luckily I’m the administrator of this website and blog, so I can put a limit on the number of pictures they post. Like I said, I don’t do much. But I must admit, when I do things like make faces and move around, it is pretty entertaining.
All of you following this blog, continue at your own risk! You have been warned.
Home sweet home

We got home safely and I took to our place very quickly. I did not cry as much as I did in the hospital. I think I knew that the hospital was not home and there is no place like home.
Mommy and Daddy showed me around and I think I’m going to like living here. I have everything that I need and I can really feel like a family here.
To commemorate our coming home we were planning to take a family picture with me in my fancy outfit. But before we had that opportunity I had a very big bowel movement that leaked onto my outfit. Then when Daddy was changing me I peed on his outfit. I got changed, Daddy got changed, and we were no longer in our nice outfits. So we are going to postpone the family photo today.
We were home a couple hours and we are already doing a load of laundry because of the mess I made. Oh well, no biggie. No sense in babying Mommy and Daddy. I have show them the tough truth of what it is to have a baby in the house. They understand and they are loving it!
First car ride

I had my first car ride today. I can’t say that I’m a big fan of cars, or more like I can’t say that I’m a big fan of being strapped into a car. I like my freedom and don’t usually enjoy being restricted. I was not really happy and I cried a little bit, but I didn’t wail uncontrollably or anything, so that’s saying something.
Once the car got moving I calmed down and just enjoyed the ride. But then there were all these stops. I did not like those. I don’t know why everyone didn’t just get out of our way so that we could have a smooth non-stop ride home. Isn’t that how the world works? Doesn’t it revolve around me?
Oh…Daddy just told me it doesn’t. Bummer.
Oh! He also just told me that our family DOES revolve around me and that he and Mommy are going to do everything they can to give me the happiest life possible. Nice!
And we are outta here

We got discharged from the hospital. Many thanks to all the wonderful doctors, nurses, and midwives that took care of Mommy and me! We cannot express how thankful we are for all you have done to make us a family! Best wishes and I hope everyone stays healthy, happy, and safe!
Daddy’s here!
Yay! Daddy is here to take us home! We finally got the okay to leave. Let’s get this show on the road!
All dressed up and nowhere to go

I’m all ready. When can I leave?
Here I am looking my best in my new outfit and now I’m stuck waiting. Mommy’s packed up and ready to leave the hospital, I have all my belongings ready to go, Daddy’s in the parking lot waiting for the okay to come up and get us, but we are still here. What’s the deal?
So apparently just because I’m want something, it does not mean that my expectations and needs are immediately met. I did not agree to this. I have a bad feeling that life will not be as easy as I thought it would be.
All Dressed Up

Mommy and I are being discharged from the hospital today. It is standard practice in Japan for mother and baby to be admitted to the hospital for a week. The nurses and midwives watch over them and make sure everyone is doing well before they go home. They even give the mothers basic lessons on how to care for their babies.
I’m so excited to go home and start my life with Mommy and Daddy in our home! I got all dressed up for this occasion. How do I look?

I know that parents like to take a lot of pictures of their kids, so I thought I should toss in a few poses. Without the poses, all the pictures would look the same. The problem is that I am sleeping for most of the day. So, I’m doing my best to pose in my sleep.
“No photos, please” “Jus’ chillin’!” “Throw your hands in the air, Â
and wave ‘em like you just don’t care““I swear”
Rough night

I’ve been giving Mommy a tough time these past few nights. I have been sleeping a lot during the day and crying a lot at night. I’ve been keeping Mommy up and possibly waking up the entire hospital ward. It’s not completely my fault. I’m still getting used to life on the outside and trying to learn how to sleep and everything. Things were a lot easier in Mommy’s tummy. It is a long learning process and I guess I have a lifetime to master it.
Tall boy

I was born at a good length of 51.5 cm (21.28 in.). I think everyone expected me to be plump, round, and fat when they heard about my estimated weight. But I’m not fat at all. If anything, I’m on the athletic side. Long and strong. I have long legs, big feet, and I also have long fingers and toes. It looks like I’ll grow into a tall boy.

It’s all downhill from here

For some reason the baby bed/cradle at the hospital is at an angle. I’m sure there is some safety reason for it, but they should post a weight limit on it. I think I’m too heavy for it and I end up sliding down to the bottom. I hear that kids like slides at the park, but I don’t think I’m there yet.

With Mommy always looking at me I figured that maybe I should do the same. Looking at it from her point of view, it could be slightly unnerving. But sometimes you just can’t help but stare.
Bundle of Joy
I hear that babies like to be swaddled, all wrapped up like a little baby burrito. I don’t think I’m that kind of baby. I’m okay for a while, but then I need my freedom. I wriggle my arms out and sometimes kick my covers off. All in the name of freedom.
But I guess there is a downside to that. Without my covers it can get chilly quite quickly.
Crying Punching Kicking

Us babies are fickle things. We can go from this ↑, peaceful and content, to this ↓, crying, punching and kicking, in a matter of seconds.
By the way, look at that arm and leg action. Now you know why Mommy’s belly was moving so much when she was pregnant with me.
I got the hiccups. I used to get them a lot when I was in Mommy’s tummy but I never thought I would have them out here too. I know they may look and sound cute, but they are tiring.
Milk Attack
I have to share this traumatic experience I had last night. Mommy was breast feeding me as always and it is usually the happiest part of my day. I’m a good eater and Mommy has no problem feeding me. So things were going as normal.
I stopped feeding for just a second to catch my breath and then I was attacked! Mommy’s boob shot milk at me! I was shocked! My favorite thing in the world just attacked me for no reason!
Mommy quickly wiped the milk off my face but she couldn’t help laughing at the situation and my shocked reaction.
I get the feeling that it’s not the last time that will happen. In order not to give it a chance to attack me again, I planned to drink that boob dry! Hmmm, which side was it, the left or right…?

Eyes open

Most of my day is spent sleeping, eating or crying. During those three activities my eyes are always closed. But every so often when I am calm and have nothing else to do, I open my eyes and take in the world around me. It is bit overwhelming! There are so many colors and so much movement. I can’t quite see much beyond 30 cm (12 in.), but that’s fine because that’s just about how far Mommy’s face is from me when she holds me.

Meeting Daddy

Today I got to meet Daddy for the first time! I had heard so much about him and chatted with him a couple times through FaceTime, but I got to see him in person! Well, “see” might be the wrong word. I was sleeping peacefully when he came to visit and I didn’t wake up while he was here. With the pandemic restrictions, he could only visit once and for 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes went by very quickly. It’s okay though, I’ll be home in a few days!