
It’s not all sunshine and roses out here. Sure, there are many great things for me to learn and explore, but there are a lot of difficult things as well. Life out here can be frustrating to say the least. I can’t do what I want and I can’t express what I want. What is a baby boy supposed to do in this situation but cry. And I do that quite well, if I do say so myself.


Okay, I love Mommy a lot, but she is always staring at me. I mean, ALWAYS! At least in her tummy I had some privacy. Out here I’m exposed for the whole world to see. Sometimes I’m sleeping and I sense that she is looking at me. I take a peek and sure enough, there she is staring lovingly at me. Oh well, can you blame her? I’m pretty darn adorable.

Sleeping peacefully-ish


Milk is some good strong stuff! I fall right to sleep after drinking it.

But just because I’m asleep doesn’t mean I’m still. I like to be efficient with my time so I fit in some exercise routines while sleeping.

After all, just because I’m born doesn’t mean I stop the exercise routines I had in Mommy’s tummy.

Day 1

Day 1

Man, this being a baby thing is not easy. There is so much to do in a day. I have to eat, pee, poo, and sleep. Oh, and I have to cry too. I just have to! It doesn’t sound like much, but it really adds up when you mix up the order and frequency. It is strange to me that the number of times I pee and poo does not match the number of times I eat. Weird.

Speaking of eating, I’m very good at it. I hear that some babies have a hard time breast-feeding and/or drinking from a bottle. I mastered both right away. Once I heard that that was how I was going to get food, I figured out how to do it right. I am a very good eater (and also a good pee-r and poo-er.). If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right.

Same goes for crying. Boy, do I have a pair of powerful lungs. I think the entire wing of the hospital can hear me. I’ve never been able to use my lungs before so I’m just testing them out.

Whew! I’m exhausted. Time to get some rest.


So how did I get here?

Everything about Mommy’s pregnancy was going well. I was healthy and she was healthy. But there was one concern that was on everyone’s mind during the third trimester: my size. During our check-ups, it was becoming obvious that I was a very large baby. I mean, just look at how big Mommy’s tummy is. My estimated weight started off on the high end and then ended up going off the charts. I was such a big baby that my EDD (estimated delivery date), which was based on my size, kept being moved up earlier. My original due date was May 13th, but at one point my EDD was as early as April 23rd. So, everyone started preparing themselves for an April-born baby.

I was not informed of the update to my EDD and I was not ready to be born in April. I showed no signs of dropping or being ready to be born. April 23rd came and went. At one of my last check ups the doctor expressed concern about the possible difficulty of a natural birth. She mentioned a C-section, but Mommy and Daddy decided to wait for me to come on my own time.

At my last check-up the doctor was not willing to wait much longer and scheduled for Mommy to be admitted to the hospital on May 10th to see where I was. If I had dropped or showed signs of getting ready for a natural birth the doctor was going to induce labor. When the doctor checked on me she found that I had not even come close to dropping and I was floating around as if I had all the time in the world. That’s when she made the immediate decision that I should be delivered by C-section. (I feel that I should mention here, again, that my due date was originally May 13th, so I was not technically late. I just sizeably needed to be born according to the doctor).

So off to surgery, Mommy went.

As you know, everything went smoothly and I was delivered safely and healthily on May 10th at 2:37p.m.. And the doctor was right; I was a big baby! The doctor and nurses were very surprised at how big I was and how loud I was. They said that most babies that are born by C-section don’t start crying until they are removed from the womb, but I started wailing before they could get me out of there. I had a great set up: free room and board, mobility, security, and I had the place all to myself. It was awesome! Sure, it was a bit cramped, but with some heel kicks and elbow pushes I was making it roomier. But I was removed from my home without my permission. So, of course I cried as soon as I saw someone breaking into my home.

Oh well, it all worked out in the end. I was still getting bigger and I was really eager to meet Mommy who had been caring for me all this time. Since she was awake during the surgery, she got to see me right away. I’m going to miss my first home, but if Mommy’s nearby, I’m sure I’ll like my new one as well.

Well, I’d better go. It’s been quite a long day and I have to get some sleep. Apparently in this world I have to work a lot harder for food and things. Good night!

Baby Boy

Hi there!  It’s me, “Baby Boy”.  At least that’s my name until my parents choose a name for me.  They haven’t quite made a decision yet.  Apparently it is a big decision that will last a life time, so they want to be sure to choose the right name.  I’m sure they’ll do a good job.  But I think there are a lot of people waiting to know my name, including myself.  I guess we’ll all find out sooner or later.  For now, I’ll just be “Baby Boy”!


I’m still trying to work out the names of everyone else as well.  As far as I know, this lady who is holding me is “Mommy”.  She gave me a home for 9 months and made sure that I was fed and could grow well.  Maybe she did to good of a job, because I ended up being quite a big boy.

I hear that there is a “Daddy” around somewhere, but I haven’t met him yet.  Did you know that there is a worldwide pandemic going on, causing all kinds of restrictions?  Well, I just found out about it.  Because of the pandemic and safety rules, Daddy was not allowed to be here for my grand debut.  Poor Mommy had to do it all on her own.  But not to worry, she wasn’t completely alone, because I was there too!  I’ll tell you about it later on.

For now, I just wanted to introduce myself, which is a bit hard without a name (*hint, hint, Mommy and Daddy*).  And I also wanted to introduce you to my blog.  I’ll be keeping you up to date on my me and my life!  I don’t expect a lot of followers or to be an influencer, but I’m going for quality, not quantity.  So, for those of you visiting this blog, thank you, and I look forward to sharing my life with you!