Recital practice

We have been practicing really hard for our recital. I’m doing very good and am doing everything I’m supposed to be doing with my classmates. I sing, I dance, and I do chair gymnastics. I think I can do everything for the recital, but the question is will I do do everything in the recital.

Running, puzzling, excavating

I had a good feeling about today this morning. I went to school with a big smile.

We ran around a lot at the park and had a great time!

Things get quiet at the end of the day, but sometimes that is nice. When Mommy came to pick me up I was quietly doing a puzzle all by myself.

Today’s advent calendar toy was an excavator truck. I have never seen this kind of truck before. I was really happy to get it. I held it close to me for the rest of the day like a new doll.

Bananas and cookies

I am a fruit person and sometimes have fruit cravings. With the options I had for snack, I chose a banana. It is just what I wanted.

Later Mommy and I made cookies together. Mommy did most of the hard work, mixing the cookie dough and everything. I just helped with the cookie cutting and of course the cookie eating!

Tears and then parfait

Mommy had to work today and even though she had told me about it, I didn’t like it. When she was about to leave I burst into tears. I was so sad. I told her not to go. I told her that I wanted to go to work with her. I cried and cried. No matter what she or Daddy said, I wouldn’t calm down. In the end Daddy practically had to peel me off of Mommy so that she could go to work.

After she left I was still very sad, but I started to calm down. I had woken up just before Mommy left so I hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. Maybe my hunger made me hyper-sensitive. Daddy asked me what I wanted for breakfast and I wouldn’t answer him. He asked if I wanted a parfait and I quickly, but still sadly, said yes.

After that I was fine.

But I still wanted to see Mommy so Daddy and I headed into the city to meet her after she finished her work. I was thrilled to see her and was quite clingy. Then we all went to lunch. There weren’t many options in the area, but we found a place that had omurice, so we went there. It wasn’t a kids’ set, but I had no problem finishing the whole thing.

We headed back home on the subway and I had more fun now that we were all together again.

Starbucks and Sushiro

After doing some shopping we stopped for some Starbucks to try their new drink. Even though it is actually Mommy’s drink she generously shares (a lot) with me. It is always so yummy that I often forget to let Mommy have some as well.

For dinner we went out for sushi. As usual I had several plates of ikura sushi, along with a few other sushi.

When we got home I played a bit, but eventually had to go take a bath. That doesn’t mean I stopped playing and having fun.

Mason thoughts

Here are just some random thoughts and comments I made this week.

12/4: I like stand up pee pee. It is easier. 

12/6: “Sometimes when you pee you go like this.” Shows pee shivers/quivers. 

After eating breakfast, I said to Daddy, “I finished dinner. “
Daddy said, “That wasn’t dinner. “
Me: “I finished lunch.”
Daddy: “That wasn’t lunch. “
Me: After a bit of though, “I finished food. “

Dinner, dessert, dancing, dress, dead bugs

It is Friday so Mommy and I had a special dinner. Daddy had to work late again so it was like a date night. I ate a really good dinner. They didn’t have a kids’ menu so I just ate a normal adult portion. Daddy finished work just about when we were finishing up so he met us at the restaurant so we could all walk home together. We stopped by a convenience store on the way home to pick up some dessert. I chose a very sweet strawberry pastry. It was actually so sweet that I couldn’t finish the whole thing, but the part that I could eat was delicious!

I was enjoying the sugar high from the dessert so I felt like dancing!

After bath I wanted Daddy to make me a towel dress, but then I wanted to pretend to be trucks as we walked, I mean “drove”, to the family room. Daddy was a steam roller and I was a cement mixer.

In bed we had to be dead bugs again before we went to sleep.


On our walk we stopped by to check out some guppies in front of a coffee shop. Usually the pots are full of plants so it is hard to see the guppies, but this time there weren’t that many plants blocking the guppies so they were in full view.

Directing walk

On our walk today, our teachers let us choose where to go. So we got to choose “left” or “right” as we walked.

We also practiced our dance for our end of year recital. We are doing pretty good. We also tried on our costumes and we were a little shy for a bit, but then warmed up to it after a while.